Anson for Montrose

The fuselage of Anson C19 TX226, seen recently in storage in Warwickshire.

The Montrose Air Station Heritage Centre, 38 miles north of Dundee on the east coast of Scotland, has acquired the former Air Atlantique Classic Flight Avro Anson C19 TX226, which has been in storage near Compton Verney, Warwickshire for many years.

Built at the Avro plant at Yeadon, Leeds during the spring of 1946, the former Flying Training Command Communications Squadron transport will arrive at Montrose early in the new year and go straight into the newly completed restoration workshop. There the centre’s team of volunteer engineers will begin work to bring it up to display standard.

Anson Is were based at Montrose with No 269 Squadron, Coastal Command from March 1939, flying reconnaissance patrols up the east coast of Scotland, and making several attacks on U-boats during February 1940. The following month reequipment with Lockheed Hudsons began, although the last Anson wasn’t retired until 1 June that year.

MASHC chairman Ron Morris said, “The arrival of the Anson will make a significant contribution to our endeavours to show the aircraft that once flew from Montrose, Scotland’s contribution to the RAF, and our efforts to preserve the past for future generations.”

TX226 while serving with the Flying Training Command Communications Squadron at RAF White Waltham in 1962.