The Österreichische Luftstreitkräfte deployed seven Eurofighter Typhoons from the Zeltweg-based Überwachungsgeschwader (Surveillance Wing) to Wittmundhafen Air Base in Northern Germany for air-to-air weapons qualification training during the first three weeks of May. The aircraft arrived at Wittmundhafen on April 27 supported by 150 military personnel who arrived on one of five Österreichische Luftstreitkräfte C-130 Hercules flights between April 18 and 27. While Austrian aircraft can practise the use of air-to-surface weapons at home, the country relies on deployments abroad for air-to-air training with live weapons. This year’s training was carried out in German airspace over the North Sea. In return, German jets will make use of an Austrian range for air-to-surface training. Wittmundhafen-based A-4N Skyhawks operated by Canadian contractor Discovery Air Defence provided aerial targets for the Austrian Typhoons.
Austrian Eurofighters in Germany
Kees van der Mark