Back to Basics - Series 4, Lesson 1

Welcome to the next stage of our Back to Basics series. Regular readers may recall that this series has been evolving for many years and has introduced flight simulation enthusiasts to aeronautical knowledge, exercises, products and plenty of useful tips that can be used to practice and develop sound piloting skills in flight simulators of many types. Across this part of the series, you’ll explore basic and intermediate instrument flying and radio navigational techniques.

Back to Basics - Series 4, Lesson 1
Getting started

In this initial instalment, we'll briefly revisit some piloting skills you should brush up on before bounding off into the wild blue yonder (or is it the wild grey yonder in instrument flying?). Progressively, we'll explore how various navigation aids work, how pilots interpret them, some incredibly fascinating radio navigation techniques and of course provide the usual tips and tricks to make your valuable flight sim time more entertaining and educational. So, no matter which flight simulator you fly, fasten your seatbelts and let's get underway.

Real-world pilots only start their command instrument rating after many hours of more elementary training and logging many hours of command flight time. Of course,…

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