Cockpit Building

Jessica Bannister-Pearce breaks down her cockpit building marathon into five mini projects


This week, on ‘why in the hell did I want to build a freaking cockpit’ I’ve found myself lost in a sea of half-finished jobs and half-baked solutions. In short, I’ve got a bit lost. Things have moved on. A nice new projector is now providing a large screen from which to fly. The FCU unit is partially working enough to enjoy a flight and knobs have been printed to finish off switches. But the scale of what’s left is all a bit too much. In our previous issue I spoke about how I’ve itemised the remaining jobs into red, amber and green priorities. That has helped but things are never as black and white as they seem. So it’s time to reflect and work out, in detail, each project.

Getting lost

People often talk about the big picture for all sorts of things. I’ve discovered when it comes to cockpit building, looking at the big picture can lead to distraction and confusion. Let’s take a look at an example. Take my radio panel. I want the radio panel working so I can get back to flying on VATSIM. To build the radio, I need a few things. Firstly, the panel itself. Okay, that’s pretty obvious. There are plenty of pa…

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