Exercise Spears of Victory: Saudi Arabia’s Red Flag

The Royal Saudi Air Force recently held its own Red Flag which saw three air powers from the Gulf Co-operation Council – GCC, as well as Greece, Pakistan, US and UK. George Karavantos explains

Spears of Victory is a new multi-national medium-sized air training exercise that made its debut last year under the command of the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF). Resembling a smaller version of complex mission exercises, like Red Flag, requiring a large training area which is what King Abdulaziz Air Base, located near the Gulf coast in Saudi’s east boasts covering around 300sq km. Spears of Victory is a new multi-national medium-sized air training exercise that made its debut last year under the command of the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF). Resembling a smaller version of complex mission exercises like Red Flag, and requiring a large training area which, at around 300sq km, King Abdulaziz Air Base in Dhahran.

Hosted by the RSAF, the exercise ran for two weeks in early February, close to the Persian Gulf. The drills saw several air forces from Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar,

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