FlyPast Classics: Feisty Foxbat

Nikolay Yakubovich describes the Soviet Union’s blisteringly powerful MiG-25

When the concept for the MiG-25 was first developed, it was arguably at the threshold of a new age in technology.

To begin with it was expected that the preceding MikoyanGurevich E-155 prototype, with its Uragan-5 guidance system and combined power (comprising both turbojet and liquid-fuelled rocket engines), would be able to intercept targets flying at speeds of 2,485mph (4,000km/h), and at altitudes of between 98,425–164,042ft. Its armament was to consist of the K-9/K155 (AA-4 Awl) radar homing missile. Three aircraft were to be produced and flight-testing was to begin by June 1960.

‘Enlightenment’ came that same year in that another, almost hypersonic, aircraft was rejected after all attention was focused on the development of the S-155 interceptor, which incorporated the E-155P fighter-interceptor design. The tactical range and flight duration of the E-155 enabled the S-155 system to operate beyond the capabilities of short-range anti-aircraft missiles. In the space of one sortie, the aircraft could attack opposing types several times, and additionally the interceptor could be redirected to other targets.

It was proposed t…

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