Going to war in the F-117: a pilot’s perspective

In the December 2017 issue of Aviation News, in the first of a two part feature, Major General Greg Feest (Ret) described joining the secret F-117A programme and the mission on which he dropped the first bomb of the Gulf War

It was the early morning of January 17, 1991.  I had just turned on the Master Arm Switch of my F-117 stealth fighter in order to drop a 2,000lb laser-guided GBU-27 on an Intercept Operations Centre hidden in a bunker in Iraq.  How did I get here?


In the summer of 1987, I had just walked back into the 27th Tactical Fighter Squadron (TFS) at Langley Air Force Base (AFB).  I had returned from flying in a four ship of F-15Cs against a four ship of F-14s from Naval Air Station Oceana.  I was still pumped up after our debrief when my Squadron Commander called me into his office.  He told me I was being offered a position to go to Nellis AFB to fly with the 4450th Tactical Group.  I knew that they flew the A-7D Corsair and that most of their flying occurred at night.  Other than that, there was little information on their mission.  I drove over to the Personnel Section at Headquarters Tactical Air Command to visit wi…

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