Hawaii Mars arrives at BC Aviation Museum

The Martin JRM Mars C-FLYL ‘Hawaii Mars’ water bomber completed its final flight on August 11, 2024, en route to its new home at the British Columbia (BC) Aviation Museum in Victoria.

This marks the end for the historic aircraft, renowned for its contributions to firefighting efforts in northwestern Canada.

The Coulson Aviation aircraft departed from its base on Vancouver Island and flew for about one hour along the island's east coast, overflying several communities that were helped by the Mars’ firefighting efforts during the aircraft’s six decades of service. Part of the flight was accompanied by the Canadian Forces Snowbirds demonstration team, providing a fitting salute to the aircraft. Major Brent Handy, Team Lead of the Snowbirds, commented: "The Snowbirds salute the brave firefighters, in the air and on the ground, that work to protect our country from wildfires and we are excited to see this piece of aviation history be preserved and on display to honour and inspire aviators past, present and future”.

The Hawaii Mars, one of only two Martin Mars water bombers remaining in existence, was donated to the museum by Coulson Aviation, the last operators of the aircraft in its firefighting role. In a statement, the company …

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