Bernie Baldwin reports on the progress of the third runway project at London’s Heathrow Airport as well as other developments at this hub.

Getting a massive infrastructure project under way is never an easy task, even when the general belief is that it is worthwhile and desirable. Doing so when there is fierce opposition presents a whole set of additional challenges.

It is almost three years since the Airports Commission in the UK – after reviewing various options – decided that the best plan for additional capacity in the southeast of England was Heathrow Airport’s new northwest runway proposal. However, it was October 2016 before the UK Government gave it the go-ahead.

It is the location of the new runway that has brought vociferous opposition, as the development will involve the compulsory purchase of houses located in the villages of Sipson and Harmondsworth. While this issue continues to be contentious, Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL) has been underlining its aim to mitigate the project’s impact on local communities. In February a press statement was released in letter form from HAL Chairman, Lord Paul Deighton, who wanted to stress: „…the national importance of expansion, but also the importance …

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