Every flight simmer knows there are places in the world that are 'tricky', where you dare not fly to without the latest and greatest system, the most powerful GPU and the strongest CPU. Paris can bring a PC to its knees for example. I used Seattle as a test area for new PC reviews for years because FSX could reduce your frame rates to single digits.
And then there's Heathrow, arguably one of Flight Simulator’s favourite destinations and one of the toughest for any system. I flew in and out regularly for British Airways Virtual (BAV) and if it was wet or a little cloudy, I had to be prepared for poor frame rates. The performance was so bad I found myself on approach to Heathrow one day and remarked how smooth things were, before remembering I was on a real flight, as a passenger.
These days, I tend to avoid Heathrow, preferring to stress machines with a flight out of Frankfurt instead and it's mostly because I fear the frame rate will fall on approach. Is it still that bad though and can iniScene’s Heathrow add-on make me fall in love again with one of the world's busiest airports? Let's find out.
It's been a while since I last flew into Heathrow, either in the sim or in real life. My last flights saw Terminal 1 closed and in …