Inside the handover of the first Bombardier CS100

In the September 2016 issue of Airliner World, Craig West flew to Zurich to witness the handover of the first Bombardier CS100 to launch customer Swiss International Air Lines

The arrival of a new aircraft type into a fleet is always an exciting time for an airline, but when it’s the very first example of a clean-sheet design, the milestone becomes even more significant.  For Swiss International Air Lines, delivery of its maiden Bombardier C Series represents just the latest phase in a relationship that has spanned seven years and $2bn. 

Addressing an assembled audience of airline executives, dignitaries and media representatives at the official handover of the first example, HB-JBA (c/n 50010) Canton of Zurich, on July 6, Swiss CEO Thomas Klühr said: “More than seven years of thought and care, effort and energy, moments and milestones have gone into the aircraft’s development and now she is finally with us.” 

The Canadian firm is developing two models simultaneously – the CS100 and larger CS300, offering seating for 120 to 150 passengers.  The aircraft share a 90% commonality enabling customers to switch their orders between the two models up to the final production stage.  Like both the new-generation

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