News Review •Aircraft Interiors Expo 2019

Aircraft Interiors Expo continues to bring a range of advances to the market, as Bernie Baldwin reports from Hamburg.

THE FIRST week of April brought thousands of industry professionals to the 2019 Aircraft Interiors Expo (AIX) in Hamburg, with the event feeling bigger than ever. While familiar names such as Zodiac and digEcor may have disappeared through mergers and rebranding, the technologies they developed live on under the Safran and Burrana brands respectively. Burrana is the result of digEcor acquiring Collins Aerospace’s commercial IFE unit. Speaking at AIX, the company’s CEO David Withers declared the firm is preparing to launch a “truly innovative” seatback IFE solution this year, its first product under the new brand. Explaining that seatback IFE is the one area where digEcor and Collins products overlap, Withers reported that the aim is to bring the best elements of each together, add new technologies and create a class-leading system ready for retrofitting by the end of 2019.

Industry Firsts

Collins Aerospace itself launched the M-Flex Duet, a cabin monument which turns an aircraft doorway into a selfservice area or cabin attendant working location…

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