After a long restoration, TFC’s P-39Q Airacobra Brooklyn Bum 2nd makes its debut; following an even longer (27-year) restoration, David and Mark Miller’s Dragon Rapide G-AGJG appears for the first time, leading six-ship Rapide 70th anniversary flypasts. The Breitling Super Constellation and Bernard Chabbert’s Lockheed 12 F-AZLL are further transport stars. Polikarpov I-15bis FLA RF-02089 from Aviarestoration is brought over from Russia to display, being aerobated splendidly by Oleg Fedorov — it stays for a few seasons, only ever appearing at Legends.


A huge, and hot, show takes on extra significance as it acts as the operating location for the VE and VJ Day 60th anniversary flypast over London. The Swedish Air Force Museum sends Saab B 17A SE-BYH for its first — and so far only — British appearances, the bulky dive-bomber surprising with its spirited aerobatics flown by Kjell Nordström. Also unexpected is the potent performance of TFC’s Hawk 75A-1, giving spectacular debut post-restoration displays in the hands of Stephen Grey. P-51C Princess Elizabeth returns after a second rebuild, and there’s the first chance to see an exciting new Spitfire, Christophe Jacqu…

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