Not a first choice, but a first-class performer



The French order secured the future of the type, but actual French use was subject to the vagaries of war. The first machines for France were designated as the DB-7 B-3 (DB for Douglas Bomber, as against the familiar DC for Douglas Commercial, and B-3 for ‘three-seat bomber’) and had two 1,000hp Pratt & Whitney R-1830-SC3-G engines, French gun mounts and guns, and metric instruments. The second batch employed more powerful R-1830-S3C4-Gs of 1,100hp each.

Even with the fatal crash of the Model 7B, the French purchasing commission placed contract 649/9 on 4 February 1939 for 100 aircraft to be equipped with 1,000hp R-1830-SC3-G turbocharged engines. Deliveries were to be completed by 31 January 1940. Eight months later, following the outbreak of war and in the light of disarray in the French aviation industry, another order was placed on 14 October 1939 for an additional 170 DB-7s. On 20 October 1939 there followed a deal for a third batch of 200 machines, but fitted with Wright R-2600-A5B Twin Cyclones of 1,600hp. Douglas designated these as the DB-7A.

Although initial deliveries to the Armée de l’Air were expected in June 1939, the first DB-7s did not arrive unti…

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