Old Brown Dog’s Wings Over The Reich

The ‘Wings’ concept is brought to World War Two

Wings Over The Reich (WOTR) is the spiritual and World War Two successor to Old Brown Dog’s (OBD’s) popular World War One simulation ‘Wings Over Flanders Fields’, which we featured in issues 116 and 117 of PC Pilot. When I learned that WOTR had been released, I was keen to find out how the ‘Wings’ design and concept would transfer to the World War Two era, so I invited OBD to take part in an exclusive interview to find out more about the product.

PC Pilot: Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to discuss Wings Over The Reich with us. May I begin by asking why did OBD decide to focus on World War Two?

Mark ‘Polovski’ Rogers: We had been doing basic tests on a Battle of Britain sim for some time. ‘Winding Man’ had built up a basic sim, although for WOTR we started again. We had been doing World War One for well over a decade and wanted to try something a little different! Mark ‘Winding Man’ Andrews: Yes, we also wanted to bring the immersive SP campaign engine and great AI from our World War One product to a World War Two environment. We love flying aircraft from both eras. In doing this there was a lot more work required than originally envisag…

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