It’s hard to believe that it has already been a decade since the Canadian Warplane Heritage Lancaster graced the skies of the UK. The CWH’s Al Mickeloff recounts the trip of a lifetime…

Ever since the Canadian Warplane Heritage (CWH) Avro Lancaster (C-GVR A, ex-FM213) f lew again after its 11-year restoration in 1988, there had always been a hope that it would one day f ly with the only other airworthy example – PA474 of the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF). Over the years, several plans were prepared, but it always seemed like a bridge too far. In addition to the operational requirements, challenges and risks, there were huge f inancial hurdles. These were probably even more signif icant than the operational ones. Weighing them up, the risks meant it never made sense to pursue the venture any further.

The stars align

At the end of every f lying season, the BBMF hold a dinner. A lthough the CWH was often invited, it was seldom able to attend. However, 2013 was different – CWH’s senior Lancaster pilot, Don Schofield, flew across to attend. At that dinner, ‘Dunc’ Mason, the then Officer Commanding BBMF, had cannily engineered that Don be sat next to noted warbird pilot/ collector and CEO o…

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