Orbx’s London City Airport v2 & London City Pack review

It’s not that long ago that I reviewed Orbx’s original London City Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS). As I recall it was quite a step up from the fairly bland default version, which was just a collection of generic buildings, bearing very little resemblance to the real airport.

However, in its commitment to improving the MSFS world as far as current technologies will allow, Orbx has just released version 2 of London City Airport. Orbx also offers it in conjunction with its London City Pack (Landmarks), with 20% off the individual prices. This is particularly good value if you haven’t already bought either of these products.

The idea of an airport serving the docklands of London was first proposed in 1981 by Reg Ward, who was chief executive of the London Docklands Development Corporation (LDDC). Later that year Molem and Bill Bryce of Brymon Airways submitted the outline proposal. Then in 1982, Captain Harry Gee (also of Brymon Airways) landed his de Havilland Canada Dash 7 on Heron Quays, simply to demonstrate the feasibility of a STOL port project.

Because of its central location and the fact that it’s surrounded on three sides by the waters of the Royal Docks, at first London City had an initial approach vector …

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