Designed and manufactured by Pacific Aerospace in Hamilton, New Zealand, the PAC P-750 XSTOL is a highly versatile aircraft that lives up to its multi-role utility definition.
The unique design of the PAC 750 allows for Extremely Short Take-Off and Landing (XSTOL). Take off and land in less than 800ft (244m), even in hot and high conditions and on semi-prepared airstrips in all types of terrain.
Orbx’s PAC 750 XSTOL features a detailed 3D model and textures based on the real aircraft along with 13 liveries of real-world operators. It also brings four roles of the P-750 to Microsoft Flight Simulator: skydiving, agricultural, cargo and passenger.
The 10-seat passenger version can operate in harsh environments and the configurable cabin can accommodate a mixed load of passengers and freight. The high-performance PT-6 engine allows the P-750 to operate in high-altitude airports such as Lukla near Mount Everest. Orbx has included two passenger liveries: PAC and North Coast Aviation from Papua New Guinea.
A workhorse of the Papua New Guinea mountains, the PAC 750 frequently delivers cargo to remote communities best accessible by air. The large door and belly-mounted cargo pod enables the aircraft to carry bulky cargo that others cannot. Three cargo liveries are included, covering operators in Papua New Guinea.
The aircraft’s heavy load capacity (17 skydivers) and quick turnaround times makes it the ideal choice for skydive operators. Built-in oxygen masks allow operators to climb higher, giving skydivers more freefall time. Skydivers know the status of their jump run by looking at pilot-controlled “traffic lights” near the large sliding side door. The pilot can remotely close the door using a handle in the cockpit, allowing the aircraft to descend faster without open-door speed restrictions. The package includes five liveries for skydive operators in New Zealand, the UK and Portugal.
The agricultural variant is fitted with a large-capacity hopper while being able to operate from short and narrow farm strips. The agricultural variant also features wheel mudguards and a modified air intake, better suited for unprepared runways, preventing rocks and other debris from entering the engine. A spreading device is fitted to the underside of the aircraft, allowing the dispensing of solid fertilisers over a larger area. Three agriculture liveries are included from operators in New Zealand. Systems & Avionics
Like the real-world aircraft, the sim version is single-pilot IFR capable and is equipped with two NavComs radios, an EHSI, CDI and a GPS.
The Orbx PAC 750 also sports accurate fuel and electronics systems derived from real-world documentation. Furthermore, most circuit breakers are functional. For example, popping the circuit breaker on one of the buses and then using the guarded bus tie switch will restore power to both buses.
On top of the standard six-pack, the PAC 750 also has custom-coded Electronics International gauges to monitor the engines, fuel and electrical systems. The gauges have been recreated based on the real-world counterparts, with a realistic start-up sequence, refresh rates, sticky indicator lights and value rounding.
A panel-mounted tablet can be used to connect the ground power, switch the display units, and enable TDS GTNXi support. The package is available on OrbxDirect for AUD$38.37 (approx £21.99).