The launch of Prepar3D (P3D) v4 marked a major milestone for the ESP platform. Not only did it introduce new features such as dynamic lighting, improved autogen and enhanced weather effects, its 64-bit architecture propelled Prepar3D to the next level. Since then the platform has evolved at a steady pace with new features and fixes continually being added. With Prepar3D v5 on the horizon, we decided to speak to the development team at Lockheed Martin, including commercial development lead, Rob McCarthy (RM), and engineering project managers, Chris Metel (CM) and Adam Breed (AB) to find out more.
PC Pilot: Thanks for agreeing to speak with us about Prepar3D v5. Can I begin by asking you how much of a jump v5 is compared with the previous v4 release and what do you consider to be the most significant upgrade?
RM: Hello Richard, we appreciate you taking the time to speak with us. After our largest window between major versions, we are excited to release Prepar3D v5 with many new features but the most significant upgrade is our support for DirectX 12.
PC Pilot: Can you highlight some of the advantages of DirectX 12 in terms of visual effects such as dynamic lighting, PBR, etc and how overall performance is compared with P3Dv4?