
Q&A with X-Plane developer, Rotate

Over the past year, X-Plane has evolved into a high-quality simulator with detailed scenery and aircraft. The third-party market for this platform has followed suit and we have seen an increasing number of highly detailed aircraft from talented developers.

One of those third-party companies is Rotate, which released its first payware add-on for X-Plane in 2015. We took the opportunity to speak one of its founders, Alfredo Torrado to find out more about the company and their plans for the future.

PC Pilot: Hi Alfredo and thanks for speaking to us. Can you start by giving us a bit of a background on the company - how you got started and why you decided to develop aircraft for X-Plane?

Alfredo: Hi, thank you for inviting us. I discovered X-Plane 9 back in 2010. What I liked about X-Plane was partially how it looked. In addition, the flight model was more challenging and fluid than in FSX but what really engaged me was Plane-Maker. I started to explore the program and had the idea of making a Fokker F27, an aircraft I flew a lot in as a youth. I had not done any 3D modelling before but I soon learned.

I also contacted Juan, an old friend from university, who has been modelling for years.

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