Recce Expert

Republic RF-84F

The RF-84F Thunderflash was an important derivative of the standard Thunderstreak. Malcolm V Lowe tells the story of this tactical reconnaissance platform, which served with particular distinction in French colours

Spotlight on the RF-84F

In parallel with the creation of the fighter/fighter-bomber F-84F Thunderstreak, development of the cameratoting RF-84F Thunderflash was also undertaken by manufacturer Republic Aviation. The abbreviation ‘RF’ stood for Reconnaissance Fighter in US designation terminology, and this variant proved to be a useful member of the overall F-84 family.

During the initial studies by Republic’s designers that eventually led to the creation of the swept-wing F-84F Thunderstreak, the possible employment of the type as a fast recce platform became obvious. The first YF-84F, originally designated YF-96A, made its debut flight during May 1950. With the serial number 49-2430, it was joined later by two more YF-84F prototype aircraft. Of these, the third example, 51-1345, became the prototype and initial development airframe for the proposed recce variant.

Official interest in Republic’s design studies led to a contract go-ahead in April 1951. Just one YRF-84F prototyp…

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