Saab to offer Gripen E/Fs to the Czech Air Force

The Czech Air Force (CzAF) requirement for a new fighter solution is now 'hotting' up. As the 23-year-long Saab Gripen C/D lease is ending in 2027 - with an option for an additional two years - a decision will have to be made before 2023 to allow for a lead-in time of about four years.

The Czech Ministry of Defence (MOD) released a Request for Information (RFI) in 2020 to fill the need for up to two fighter squadrons, but it’s thought only Lockheed Martin and Saab have responded. While the Czech MOD has remained tight-lipped about the need, one source states that Saab will offer either a mix of 24 Gripen C/Ds or 24 Gripen E/Fs, depending upon the exact requirements.

Undoubtedly, the C/Ds are likely to include the new X-band active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, flown for the first time in a Gripen D development aircraft on April 8 last year. While the enhanced Gripen E/Fs with their Leonardo ES-05 AESA Raven will offer many more possibilities. The Meteor BVRAAM (Beyond Visual Range Air to Air Missile), which Saab proposed to Croatia in its failed bid, is also likely to be included.

Czech AF Gripen D [Alan Warnes]

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