A South American flight adventure
After braving the cold ice and snow of the Aleutian winter in our previous instalment, we promised a warmer flight this time, so prepare to explore a more unusual destination for both tourists and flight sim enthusiasts – Venezuela!
Our plan
It has long been a surprise to me that Venezuela has such a strong flight sim community, but with a population of over 31 million people and a country full of scenic beauty and challenging flying, I guess it is really quite logical. We have utilised the knowledge of some of these flight sim community members in preparing this Flight Adventure.
The flights will take you on a whirlwind tour of just a few of those diverse areas, while also providing a range of piloting experiences as you navigate across open water, tropical jungle and among mountain ranges at altitudes from 500 to 21,000ft. Each sector can be flown using our aircraft selection – the PMDG 737-800WL and Alabeo C195 Businessliner, or your own favourite of a similar size and performance. If you would like to use our selection, you’ll find a custom repaint for the PMDG 737-800 with the Flight Adventure package available from our website at