Private Chinese firm Star UAV Systems unveiled a new jet flyingwing UCAV at Singapore Airshow 2018. Known as the Star Shadow, it measures 7.3m (23.95ft) and has a wingspan of 15m (49.2ft). With a maximum take-off weight of 4,000kg (8,818lb) it is comparable in size to BAE System’s Taranis. Powered by two domestically built TWS-800 turbofan engines, its top speed is expected to be 377kts (700km/h), with a cruising speed of between 216 and 324kts (400 and 1,000km/h).
Professor Liu Fuhu, Vice General Manager, told AIR International that Star Shadow is primarily aimed at the export market. Roll-out of the first prototype is projected to take place by the end of 2018 and first flight by mid-2019. He said compared to other Chinese jet UCAVs, the Star Shadow is designed for high-altitude operations, up to 49,213ft.
He added that the structure is still under development, but aims to have at least 50% made from composite material, to achieve a 0.1m2 (1ft2) radar cross-section. All systems will be domestically produced, including targeting and guidance systems, which will use both GPS and its Chineseequivalent, Bei Dou.