STARS OF THE BIG SCREEN: Battle of Britain pilot

For a dozen RAF flying instructors, it was the opportunity of a lifetime: to be seconded during the summer of 1968 to the Battle of Britain film unit, flying the then-huge assembly of Spitfires brought together for the movie. John Preece was among them — and took full advantage of the chance to sample the other aircraft types involved, too 

“In those days you got a certain amount of kudos for being an RAF pilot, but being a Battle of Britain film pilot, everyone wanted to talk to you. We got a bit precious, probably…”

It’s hard to believe that of John Preece, gentleman as he is, but you can understand the sentiment. In the summer of 1968 — the often cold, wet summer of 1968 — he found himself with an assignment like no other. The day job as a qualified flying instructor was put to one side, replaced by immersion in a different world. For fully four months John was among those who evoked the RAF-versus-Luftwaffe aerial combats of 1940 for the movie cameras, not then conscious of the impact Battle of Britain would have on a generation of aficionados, but well aware of just what a singular opportunity this was.

John had joined the RAF in 1954 as a national serviceman. He was sent down the aircrew route, …

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