Three more F-35Bs delivered to RAF Marham

A further three F-35B Lightning IIs have been delivered to RAF Marham, Norfolk, with the aircraft, ZM156 ‘022’ (c/n 2BK.0022), ZM157 ‘023’ (c/n 2BK.0023) and ZM158 ‘024’ (c/n 2BK0024), arriving at the base on October 28.

RAF F-35B Lightning II takes fuel from the RAF’s Voyager Air-to-Air Refuelling (AAR) tanker, operated by 10 Squadron. Crown Copyright


The aircraft were ferried to the UK from the factory in Fort Worth, Texas, by Royal Air Force pilots from 207 Squadron, assisted by an RAF Voyager for tanker support. The arrival brings total UK F-35B deliveries to 24.

The next F-35B for delivery, the 25th aircraft, ZM159 (c/n 2BK.0025), began test flying in the US during October.