Thunder City jets - the future

After many years lying dormant, a famous collection of Cold War-era jet aircraft is finally on the move

It’s fair to say that Thunder City was a name on the lips of many jet enthusiasts through the 1990s and early 2000s. Based at Cape Town International in South Africa, Mike Beachy Head’s organisation became famous for its flying collection of British Cold War-era jet aircraft.

Mike’s extraordinary fleet regularly roared through South African skies, frequently providing rides to those clientele who had money to spend. His flagship type was the English Electric Lightning, closely followed by the Blackburn Buccaneer. Other aircraft included the Hawker Hunter and one sadly shortlived English Electric Canberra.

For a couple of thousand South African rand, you could go on a sortie and even break the sound barrier, while staying in one of the world’s most beautiful cities. The relatively favourable exchange rate with the pound, euro and dollar made this an attractive proposition for those intent on experiencing one of aviation’s ultimate thrills. 

Keeping older aircraft flying inevitably requires frequent maintenance, a good supply of spares and the fuel that these thirsty engines demand. Also, while Thunder City had a good overall s…

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