Is V the shape of things to come?

Dutch developers are working on a futuristic-looking jet that could revolutionise long-range travel through its shape, sound and sustainability. Tom Batchelor speaks to some of the key players behind the Flying-V concept

It is shaped more like a boomerang than a conventional airliner and has passenger seating and the cargo hold integrated into the wings. Enter the Flying-V concept aircraft – its developers hope the innovative design will revolutionise long-haul air travel with a drastically lower fuel burn and never-before-seen cabin environment. 

A prototype of the jet, which is being modelled by engineers at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in collaboration with KLM, completed its maiden flight during the summer. 

After extensive wind tunnel testing and a series of ground tests, it was airborne for the first time, allowing engineers to monitor the flight characteristics.  

Efforts by the Netherlands-based team to develop the “highly energy-efficient long-distance aeroplane” started in 2017 when it was first unveiled by one of the university’s students working on a project for Airbus. The team, led by chief engineer Malcom Brown, reports that improved aerodynamic shape and reduced weight mean…

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