Which was best? The USAAF's main European theatre fighters compared

Debate still rages about which was the US Army Air Forces’ best fighter in the European theatre of operations. But is it even possible to reach a meaningful verdict?

Each of the P-38, P-47 and P-51 achieved greatness. Two were radically different responses to the same specification, while the third had to prove itself to American operators since it was designed for another nation’s air force, a traditional kiss of death with US services even when the aeroplane in question came from the North American factory at Mines Field, 30 miles from the Lockheed plant at Burbank Airport. Partisans point to differing operational requirements, the use of British spark plugs, and whether the aircraft were fuelled with American or British avgas to explain away alleged failures and buttress claims of success.

At the time of Pearl Harbor, only the P-38 had the performance to make it a contender. Originally created as a high-altitude interceptor, in September 1941 a P-38D carrying two 160-gallon drop tanks demonstrated potential as a long-range fighter. On Friday 5 December 1941, there were 69 P-38s of all sub-types in the Army Air Forces; 12 were considered operationally ready.

The Lightning demonstrated gremlins heretofore not experienced. Mos…

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