Avro Tudor

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What made Avro's Roy Chadwick such a design genius?

It is now 75 years since British aviation lost one of its greatest names. The death of Avro chief designer Roy Chadwick in the crash of the prototype Tudor II robbed the industry of a true visionary, whose creations spanned the eras from the pioneers to the jet bomber age

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How Avro's Tudor regained its reputation

The Avro Tudor is best-known for tragedies. But, on the Berlin Airlift, it demonstrated a more positive side

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Diversifying business interests: Remembering Sir Freddie Laker

Leveraging his broad skillset to tap into enormous post-World War Two demand, Freddie Laker’s business interests diversified rapidly in the 1950s, albeit with mixed success

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7 facts about the Avro Tudor

On the anniversary of its first flight, here’s some fascinating info about Britain's first ever pressurised airliner