Battle of Britain Film

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Behind the scenes of Aeroplane's Battle of Britain film day

In the December 1999 issue of Aeroplane Monthly, Tony Harmsworth reports on a reader event at Duxford which was a memorable celebration of the 30th anniversary of the famous film’s launch in 1969

Feature Premium

Battle of Britain's Big Screen 'Spits

With the addition to the world’s airworthy Spitfire fleet of MH415, another Battle of Britain film veteran is operational again. But what of the other ‘Spits’ that appeared in the 1969 epic? Aeroplane lists their present-day whereabouts, or fates

“The cameraman had to dive out of the way of the oncoming Hurricane!”

Spitfire pilot John Preece and FlyPast contributor Peter Arnold share more memories from behind the scenes on the Battle of Britain.

“He flew so low we were actually looking up at the control tower!”

John Preece recalls the point in filming for the Battle of Britain when the Spanish pilots turned up…

Feature Premium

Battle of Britain Film Engineer's Memories

Being involved in the Battle of Britain filming generated all sorts of emotions, and so it was for a member of the engineering team, tasked first with returning Spitfires to flight and then keeping them ‘on the line’

Behind the scenes on the Battle of Britain film

John Preece and Peter Arnold recall some anecdotes from the set…

The coolest piece of Battle of Britain film memorabilia ever…

John Preece still has an incredible keepsake from a summer of filming with Michael Caine & Co in 1968

“Michael Caine wanted to know what it was like to be an RAF pilot”

For John Preece and his fellow Battle of Britain film pilots, mixing with stars like Caine and Susannah York on set was a fascinating experience…

“How I filmed Battle of Britain scenes from inside a Spitfire”

John Preece got more than he bargained for when he was chosen to be a pilot in the most iconic historic aviation film ever made

WATCH: Working with the man behind The Battle of Britain’s aircraft

Ex-RAF pilot Hamish Mahaddie was the man whose job it was to get the aeroplanes together for The Battle of Britain. One of the film’s pilots, John Preece, and Spitfire historian Peter Arnold discuss their memories of him