By: John Green
- 26th July 2014 at 10:52Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
A rather more than 'interesting' news item came to notice yesterday. More 'interesting' in the sense of its implications. I had previously mentioned that when on a visit to Farnborough two weeks ago, to see the Red Arrows in rehearsal prior to the opening of the air show, I had been patriotically enveloped in the red, white and blue demonstration smoke from the Hawks which led to the suspicion that because of my limp the following day I had been 'chemtrailed'.
Happily, the true cause rapdly became knowm. A report in yesterday's D. Tel. about the openng of the Commonwealth Games, suggested that none of the above would necessarily have been possible.
The report went on to comment that some Scottish organisation had tried to influence the Red Arrows to only display blue and white smoke to reflect the colours of the Scottish flag of St. Andrew. This overture was refused on the grounds that the Commonwealth Games was an international event opened by the Queen and should be properly represented by the red, whit and blue colours used by the British and particularly the Red Arrows.
Someone must have been particularly keen to make a point.
By: paul178
- 26th July 2014 at 12:33Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
If the Scots do go for independence their display team would probably consist of two Pitts Specials trailing blue and white smoke Made from dyed Buckfastand called the "Brown Haggis's"
By: John Green
- 29th July 2014 at 19:07Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
According to to-day's Telegraph, the murders and evictions are well underway. The Telegraph reports that Islamic militias operating in the new Islamic State of Iraq and Syria have instituted a systematic elimination of the remaining pockets of Christians by eviction, threat and murder. Tens of thousands of Christians have fled to neighbouring Kurdistan.
Their plight has moved the French govt. to offer sanctuary in France to these displaced Chrisitians. Canon Andrew White, the vicar of Baghdad's Anglican church comments that "things are desperate, our people are disappearing, people are being massacred by having their heads removed".
In 2003 about the time of the Allied invasion, there were about 1,000,000 Christians in the country. Most of them about three quarters have now gone - one way or another.
One thing of which we can be sure. There will be no intervention armed or otherwise by Western govts. The militias will note this and draw encouragement for further religeous and ideologicaly based barbarism.
No matter what you think about religeon, is this a step back to the events of the Holocaust ?
By: John Green
- 29th July 2014 at 21:20Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
My memory stretches back to 1947/48 and the conflict between the nascent State of Israel and the Palestinian Arabs, with Britain as referee and 'piggy in the middle' shot at by both sides but particularly by the Israeli terrorist organisations known as the Stern and Irgun Zvai Leumi gangs.
As a consequence I'm not overly sympathetic to any Israeli cause. But, I'm coming more and more to understand that given the indecision and vacillation of Western Govts. we might well have cause to show more support for the Israelis as the first line of defence in the Near East against the advance of Islam apparently bent on slaughter and laying waste.
By: paul178
- 29th July 2014 at 22:52Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
I tend to agree with you John. It is enough to pee any country off having missiles fired at them but the indiscriminate slaughter of civilians is a step to far in my book.
By: j_jza80
- 29th July 2014 at 23:13Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
indiscriminate slaughter of civilians is a step to far in my book.
For which Hamas shares the blame. They use hospitals, schools, shelters etc to hide weapons.
The only way to resolve this is for both sides to stop the finger pointing, and acknowledge and respect the existence of the other. Personally, I can't see this ever happening. If we have to choose a side, I would much prefer to side with the Zionists than the Sunni extremists.
By: paul178
- 30th July 2014 at 01:25Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
I know no one is blameless but would we flatten a town if it was where 7/7 bombers came from?
Maybe simplistic but my answer to stop the "war"
1 Lift the blockade on Gaza. That is what Hamas wants
2 Get the Americans to stop supplying Israel with weapons and spares if the above is rejected by them.
Remember extremists exist on both sides If I was a Muslim living under Jewish control I would be very annoyed to say the least to be thrown off my own land so that Israel could have "Lebensraum."
I don't believe that any state or isis or similar in the area would be daft enough to take on a well armed and allegedly nuclear power like Israel.
By: j_jza80
- 30th July 2014 at 19:58Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
Isis state that their goal is control of the Levant, of which Israel is a part.
The problem with lifting the blockade is that Hamas will then have access to better weapons. While I would also like to see an end to the blockade, it could only work if Hamas were removed.
By: John Green
- 1st August 2014 at 20:46Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
Looks like Essax County Council could be in trouble. I did not personally see this but it was reported by someone who had. It seems that this council runs an apprenticeship scheme which offers a bonus of £2,500 to any employer who offers an apprenticeship to a member of an ethnic minority, specifically excluding white, British.
If reported to them, I wonder what the Equalities people would do - if anything ! This action of Essax Council must be illegal or are they working some unknown but convenient 'get out' clause or two.
By: John Green
- 7th August 2014 at 18:57Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
Two very different stories reported in to-day's Press. Different how ? Differently accorded priorities.
The Daily Mail, beloved center right tabloid, much favoured by the intelligentsia of these Forums reports that while 20 million quid has been paid in compensation to various aggrieved Iraqi citizens, our own sevicemen languish in respect of their personal compensation some three years later. All of which means, they haven't yet been paid for their sundry injuries and incapacities sustained in the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters.
In the same paper, without any suggestion of irony, it was reported that someone has persuaded the Arts Council and the EU - whatever next? - to buy a still floating wreck of a boat from Ebay, empty it out and sink it off the Dorsetshire coast in the hope that when sea creatures arrive by the trillion to take over a new habitat, the conversion will be filmed by on board cameras for posterity.
Apart from the fact that this vessel looked in better nick than many I've owned, - so, there might be an element of 'sour grapes' here - the article in the Mail said that the cost of sinking it amounted to £80,000. I would have done it for expenses only. The total bill for this truly life affirming extravaganza totals £150,000 from various sources including the Arts Council which of course means me and you.
Now pardon me for throwing a spanner in the works. Did this kind of cash have to be spent on something as patently useless as this? Or could this cash, subject to some creative thinking, have been sent to one of the service charities patiently waiting in line for the Iraqi's and Uncle Tom Cobbley to receive their generous taxpayer endowed settlements?
After all, sea creatures do have a home, it is called the sea.
By: John Green
- 13th August 2014 at 11:28Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
Yeserday's Telegraph carries a front page headline concerning a possible medical breakthru'.
Heart transplants and associated surgery could be a things of the past if a current trial is successful. Sponsored by the British Heart Foundation, a trial has begun involving gene therapy to repair damaged hearts.
A medically engineered gene is inserted into the heart to boost the production of a key protein which it is believed will give a damaged heart a chance to recover and therefore offers genuine hope of an effective treatment for progressive heart failure.
If successful - wonderful news for those afflicted.
By: John Green
- 13th August 2014 at 18:54Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
Business for Britain, a Eurosceptic lobby group, says that EU 'green policies' are to blame for endangering the jobs of 1.5 million workers in Britain. In pursuit of 'green' policies the EU have saddled British business with current costs of about 9 percent extra possibly rising to 16 percent by 2030.
It is manufacturing jobs that are at risk with business leaders threatening to re-locate abroad to anywhere where energy costs are less. Opting out of renewable energy targets could cut energy bills the report goes on.
The cost to the nation of implementing renewable targets is estimated at £93 billion.
By: charliehunt
- 13th August 2014 at 19:09Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
All grist to the mill:
"Wind farms were paid a record sum of almost £3 million in a single day this week not to produce electricity.
Strong winds amid the remnants of Hurricane Bertha left the electricity network unable to cope with the amount of energy being produced by turbines on Monday.
As a result National Grid paid owners £2.8 million to shut down their wind farms, at up to double the rate they would have received in subsidies had they actually generated electricity.
A further £1.1 million was given to other power stations to generate electricity to make up the shortfall created by shutting the wind farms down.
The money - detailed in figures provided by National Grid - will ultimately be added on to household bills and paid for by consumers."£
By: John Green
- 19th August 2014 at 17:54Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
To-day's D. Tel. (Tues) carries a newspaper insertion called ChinaWatch. This is an eight page broadsheet inserted inside the Telegraph and is interesting in that its content appears to be primarily, Chinese propaganda.
There is however, a front page article about the enduring refusal of the Japanese to accept responsibility for their war crimes in particular those to do with the enforced sexual slavery of 'comfort women'.
The Chinese estimate that about 400,000 women of various ethnicities were forced into sexual serfdom for the pleasure and 'comfort' of the Japanese armed forces.
The Chinese write that there has been no recognition by any Japanese Govt. of the types and scale of the atrocities committed by their military. We in the West are most familiar with the appalling treatment meted out to our PoWs in the Far East; what is not generally known is that European women were also used as 'comfort women' by the Japs.
Perhaps it is well to remember all this when next you are thinking of buying a new car.
By: John Green
- 28th August 2014 at 19:03Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
Once again, the revolting and sickening details of how 11, 12 and 13 year old girls were subjected to years of sexual sadism by primarily Asian perverts has hit the headlines.
Ignored and deprived of the protection of the State's agencies, where could these children turn for help? Can their parents be regarded as anything less than complicit ? Did they not ask themselves where their children were and what they were doing in the early hours? Were they so lacking in the ordinary concerns of love and compassion that they were blind to what was going on ? This is the question that could be asked of everyone concerned with this moral cesspit.
Was everyone so terminally screwed up by fear of accusations of racism that they were completely inhibited from applying actions that would have prevented this fearful manipulation of childhood innocence? The answer is yes.
By: charliehunt
- 28th August 2014 at 19:15Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
We were not blind. The stinking evidence was scooped up and brushed away out of our sight by people in positions of responsibility too scared to upset the multicultural apple cart. The whole episode sickens and revolts me. Exacerbated by the fact that none has offered their resignation. I hope criminal actions are sought against those, police and civilian, suspected of complicity. What price Macpherson now??
By: John Green
- 2nd September 2014 at 18:41Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
There has been surprisingly little discussion on this forum regarding the criminal horror in Rotherham. Incidentally can this city ever live down their image and reputation?
This point has been made elsewhere and I repeat it here, that seemingly, with great effort, the family of the sick young boy who - from what I can glean - required additional treatment not available in this country, then had the apparent gall to remove him from the embrace of the medical staff at a Southampton Hospital intending to get this sick child to a hospital equipped with a proton beam machine which, allegedly, offered a chance of better treatment.
At this point the muck hit the fan and the British and Spanish police equipped with European Arrest Warrants and more of the repressive trappings of State interference moved in and arrested the parents, flung them in clink and forbade any of the family to visit the child now in hospital in Malaga.
Can you imagine what this cruel and vindictive treatment and separation have done for the child and his family ?
Contrast the speed with which all this has happened, the swift actions of the police, and the judiciary and contrast this action with the complete lack of interest and therefore action over a period of sixteen years and the suffering attached thereto for those innocent and ignored children of Rotherham.
The indifference was due, apparently, to fears of accusations of racism from the Asian paedophiles involved in the merciless exploitation of these children. Truly the pursuit of multiculturalism is complete and we can all be very satisfied.
By: John Green
- 6th September 2014 at 13:59Permalink- Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
So, the statisticians were right after all about levels of crime falling in this country ? Except that they weren't. At least three newspapers report that the Police are failing to record and therefore investigate burglaries, motoring and street crime.
More than that they are inviting the public to make investigations themselves. So, pipe puffing, deer stalk hat wearing, magnifying glass in sweaty hand amateur 'tecs are likely to be seen in increasing numbers on our streets anxiously pursuing sundry Bill Sykes clutching bags of swag while Plod looks on. An interesting scenario !
Posts: 6,535
By: John Green - 26th July 2014 at 10:52 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
A rather more than 'interesting' news item came to notice yesterday. More 'interesting' in the sense of its implications. I had previously mentioned that when on a visit to Farnborough two weeks ago, to see the Red Arrows in rehearsal prior to the opening of the air show, I had been patriotically enveloped in the red, white and blue demonstration smoke from the Hawks which led to the suspicion that because of my limp the following day I had been 'chemtrailed'.
Happily, the true cause rapdly became knowm. A report in yesterday's D. Tel. about the openng of the Commonwealth Games, suggested that none of the above would necessarily have been possible.
The report went on to comment that some Scottish organisation had tried to influence the Red Arrows to only display blue and white smoke to reflect the colours of the Scottish flag of St. Andrew. This overture was refused on the grounds that the Commonwealth Games was an international event opened by the Queen and should be properly represented by the red, whit and blue colours used by the British and particularly the Red Arrows.
Someone must have been particularly keen to make a point.
Posts: 2,841
By: paul178 - 26th July 2014 at 12:33 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
If the Scots do go for independence their display team would probably consist of two Pitts Specials trailing blue and white smoke Made from dyed Buckfastand called the "Brown Haggis's"
Posts: 6,535
By: John Green - 29th July 2014 at 19:07 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
According to to-day's Telegraph, the murders and evictions are well underway. The Telegraph reports that Islamic militias operating in the new Islamic State of Iraq and Syria have instituted a systematic elimination of the remaining pockets of Christians by eviction, threat and murder. Tens of thousands of Christians have fled to neighbouring Kurdistan.
Their plight has moved the French govt. to offer sanctuary in France to these displaced Chrisitians. Canon Andrew White, the vicar of Baghdad's Anglican church comments that "things are desperate, our people are disappearing, people are being massacred by having their heads removed".
In 2003 about the time of the Allied invasion, there were about 1,000,000 Christians in the country. Most of them about three quarters have now gone - one way or another.
One thing of which we can be sure. There will be no intervention armed or otherwise by Western govts. The militias will note this and draw encouragement for further religeous and ideologicaly based barbarism.
No matter what you think about religeon, is this a step back to the events of the Holocaust ?
Posts: 2,841
By: paul178 - 29th July 2014 at 19:31 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
Or forward as the Israelis are behaving in Gaza!!!!!!!
Posts: 6,535
By: John Green - 29th July 2014 at 21:20 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
My memory stretches back to 1947/48 and the conflict between the nascent State of Israel and the Palestinian Arabs, with Britain as referee and 'piggy in the middle' shot at by both sides but particularly by the Israeli terrorist organisations known as the Stern and Irgun Zvai Leumi gangs.
As a consequence I'm not overly sympathetic to any Israeli cause. But, I'm coming more and more to understand that given the indecision and vacillation of Western Govts. we might well have cause to show more support for the Israelis as the first line of defence in the Near East against the advance of Islam apparently bent on slaughter and laying waste.
Posts: 2,841
By: paul178 - 29th July 2014 at 22:52 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
I tend to agree with you John. It is enough to pee any country off having missiles fired at them but the indiscriminate slaughter of civilians is a step to far in my book.
Posts: 1,542
By: j_jza80 - 29th July 2014 at 23:13 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
For which Hamas shares the blame. They use hospitals, schools, shelters etc to hide weapons.
The only way to resolve this is for both sides to stop the finger pointing, and acknowledge and respect the existence of the other. Personally, I can't see this ever happening. If we have to choose a side, I would much prefer to side with the Zionists than the Sunni extremists.
Posts: 2,841
By: paul178 - 30th July 2014 at 01:25 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
I know no one is blameless but would we flatten a town if it was where 7/7 bombers came from?
Maybe simplistic but my answer to stop the "war"
1 Lift the blockade on Gaza. That is what Hamas wants
2 Get the Americans to stop supplying Israel with weapons and spares if the above is rejected by them.
Remember extremists exist on both sides If I was a Muslim living under Jewish control I would be very annoyed to say the least to be thrown off my own land so that Israel could have "Lebensraum."
I don't believe that any state or isis or similar in the area would be daft enough to take on a well armed and allegedly nuclear power like Israel.
Posts: 1,542
By: j_jza80 - 30th July 2014 at 19:58 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
Isis state that their goal is control of the Levant, of which Israel is a part.
The problem with lifting the blockade is that Hamas will then have access to better weapons. While I would also like to see an end to the blockade, it could only work if Hamas were removed.
Posts: 6,535
By: John Green - 1st August 2014 at 20:46 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
Looks like Essax County Council could be in trouble. I did not personally see this but it was reported by someone who had. It seems that this council runs an apprenticeship scheme which offers a bonus of £2,500 to any employer who offers an apprenticeship to a member of an ethnic minority, specifically excluding white, British.
If reported to them, I wonder what the Equalities people would do - if anything ! This action of Essax Council must be illegal or are they working some unknown but convenient 'get out' clause or two.
Posts: 6,535
By: John Green - 7th August 2014 at 18:57 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
Two very different stories reported in to-day's Press. Different how ? Differently accorded priorities.
The Daily Mail, beloved center right tabloid, much favoured by the intelligentsia of these Forums reports that while 20 million quid has been paid in compensation to various aggrieved Iraqi citizens, our own sevicemen languish in respect of their personal compensation some three years later. All of which means, they haven't yet been paid for their sundry injuries and incapacities sustained in the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters.
In the same paper, without any suggestion of irony, it was reported that someone has persuaded the Arts Council and the EU - whatever next? - to buy a still floating wreck of a boat from Ebay, empty it out and sink it off the Dorsetshire coast in the hope that when sea creatures arrive by the trillion to take over a new habitat, the conversion will be filmed by on board cameras for posterity.
Apart from the fact that this vessel looked in better nick than many I've owned, - so, there might be an element of 'sour grapes' here - the article in the Mail said that the cost of sinking it amounted to £80,000. I would have done it for expenses only. The total bill for this truly life affirming extravaganza totals £150,000 from various sources including the Arts Council which of course means me and you.
Now pardon me for throwing a spanner in the works. Did this kind of cash have to be spent on something as patently useless as this? Or could this cash, subject to some creative thinking, have been sent to one of the service charities patiently waiting in line for the Iraqi's and Uncle Tom Cobbley to receive their generous taxpayer endowed settlements?
After all, sea creatures do have a home, it is called the sea.
Posts: 6,535
By: John Green - 13th August 2014 at 11:28 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
Yeserday's Telegraph carries a front page headline concerning a possible medical breakthru'.
Heart transplants and associated surgery could be a things of the past if a current trial is successful. Sponsored by the British Heart Foundation, a trial has begun involving gene therapy to repair damaged hearts.
A medically engineered gene is inserted into the heart to boost the production of a key protein which it is believed will give a damaged heart a chance to recover and therefore offers genuine hope of an effective treatment for progressive heart failure.
If successful - wonderful news for those afflicted.
Posts: 6,535
By: John Green - 13th August 2014 at 18:54 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
Business for Britain, a Eurosceptic lobby group, says that EU 'green policies' are to blame for endangering the jobs of 1.5 million workers in Britain. In pursuit of 'green' policies the EU have saddled British business with current costs of about 9 percent extra possibly rising to 16 percent by 2030.
It is manufacturing jobs that are at risk with business leaders threatening to re-locate abroad to anywhere where energy costs are less. Opting out of renewable energy targets could cut energy bills the report goes on.
The cost to the nation of implementing renewable targets is estimated at £93 billion.
Posts: 11,141
By: charliehunt - 13th August 2014 at 19:09 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
All grist to the mill:
"Wind farms were paid a record sum of almost £3 million in a single day this week not to produce electricity.
Strong winds amid the remnants of Hurricane Bertha left the electricity network unable to cope with the amount of energy being produced by turbines on Monday.
As a result National Grid paid owners £2.8 million to shut down their wind farms, at up to double the rate they would have received in subsidies had they actually generated electricity.
A further £1.1 million was given to other power stations to generate electricity to make up the shortfall created by shutting the wind farms down.
The money - detailed in figures provided by National Grid - will ultimately be added on to household bills and paid for by consumers."£
You couldn't make it up!!
Posts: 6,535
By: John Green - 13th August 2014 at 20:32 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
Yes, I saw that report. Alice is in her Wonderland,
Posts: 6,535
By: John Green - 19th August 2014 at 17:54 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
To-day's D. Tel. (Tues) carries a newspaper insertion called ChinaWatch. This is an eight page broadsheet inserted inside the Telegraph and is interesting in that its content appears to be primarily, Chinese propaganda.
There is however, a front page article about the enduring refusal of the Japanese to accept responsibility for their war crimes in particular those to do with the enforced sexual slavery of 'comfort women'.
The Chinese estimate that about 400,000 women of various ethnicities were forced into sexual serfdom for the pleasure and 'comfort' of the Japanese armed forces.
The Chinese write that there has been no recognition by any Japanese Govt. of the types and scale of the atrocities committed by their military. We in the West are most familiar with the appalling treatment meted out to our PoWs in the Far East; what is not generally known is that European women were also used as 'comfort women' by the Japs.
Perhaps it is well to remember all this when next you are thinking of buying a new car.
Posts: 6,535
By: John Green - 28th August 2014 at 19:03 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
Once again, the revolting and sickening details of how 11, 12 and 13 year old girls were subjected to years of sexual sadism by primarily Asian perverts has hit the headlines.
Ignored and deprived of the protection of the State's agencies, where could these children turn for help? Can their parents be regarded as anything less than complicit ? Did they not ask themselves where their children were and what they were doing in the early hours? Were they so lacking in the ordinary concerns of love and compassion that they were blind to what was going on ? This is the question that could be asked of everyone concerned with this moral cesspit.
Was everyone so terminally screwed up by fear of accusations of racism that they were completely inhibited from applying actions that would have prevented this fearful manipulation of childhood innocence? The answer is yes.
How could we be so blind.
Posts: 11,141
By: charliehunt - 28th August 2014 at 19:15 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
We were not blind. The stinking evidence was scooped up and brushed away out of our sight by people in positions of responsibility too scared to upset the multicultural apple cart. The whole episode sickens and revolts me. Exacerbated by the fact that none has offered their resignation. I hope criminal actions are sought against those, police and civilian, suspected of complicity. What price Macpherson now??
Posts: 6,535
By: John Green - 2nd September 2014 at 18:41 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
There has been surprisingly little discussion on this forum regarding the criminal horror in Rotherham. Incidentally can this city ever live down their image and reputation?
This point has been made elsewhere and I repeat it here, that seemingly, with great effort, the family of the sick young boy who - from what I can glean - required additional treatment not available in this country, then had the apparent gall to remove him from the embrace of the medical staff at a Southampton Hospital intending to get this sick child to a hospital equipped with a proton beam machine which, allegedly, offered a chance of better treatment.
At this point the muck hit the fan and the British and Spanish police equipped with European Arrest Warrants and more of the repressive trappings of State interference moved in and arrested the parents, flung them in clink and forbade any of the family to visit the child now in hospital in Malaga.
Can you imagine what this cruel and vindictive treatment and separation have done for the child and his family ?
Contrast the speed with which all this has happened, the swift actions of the police, and the judiciary and contrast this action with the complete lack of interest and therefore action over a period of sixteen years and the suffering attached thereto for those innocent and ignored children of Rotherham.
The indifference was due, apparently, to fears of accusations of racism from the Asian paedophiles involved in the merciless exploitation of these children. Truly the pursuit of multiculturalism is complete and we can all be very satisfied.
Posts: 6,535
By: John Green - 6th September 2014 at 13:59 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00
So, the statisticians were right after all about levels of crime falling in this country ? Except that they weren't. At least three newspapers report that the Police are failing to record and therefore investigate burglaries, motoring and street crime.
More than that they are inviting the public to make investigations themselves. So, pipe puffing, deer stalk hat wearing, magnifying glass in sweaty hand amateur 'tecs are likely to be seen in increasing numbers on our streets anxiously pursuing sundry Bill Sykes clutching bags of swag while Plod looks on. An interesting scenario !
Why are we paying the Police ?