Celebre el legado del Boeing 747 con 20 fotos impresionantes

A chapter of aviation was closed on Tuesday (January 31) when Boeing delivered its last ever 747. Here we celebrate the legacy of the ‘Queen of the Skies’ with a superb collection of images

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The last 747, N863GT (c/n 67150), was received by Atlas Air, though also sports Apex Logistics titles and is the 1,574th jumbo manufactured.

To mark the occasion, the 747-8F received a special sticker that says ‘Joe Sutter – forever incredible’ – a tribute to the 747’s late chief designer. Boeing employees who designed and built the first example, known as the ‘Incredibles’, were invited to the ceremony held at the Everett factory where the project began in 1967.

Speaking at the event, Stan Deal, president and chief executive officer of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, said: "This monumental day is a testament to the generations of Boeing employees who brought to life the airplane that 'shrank the world’, and revolutionised travel and air cargo as the first widebody. It is fitting to deliver this final 747-8 Freighter to the largest operator of the 747, At…

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