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Aviación histórica
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Aviación militar
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Aviación comercial y civil
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Simulación de vuelo
Sumérjase en el apasionante mundo de la simulación de vuelo con reseñas de expertos, noticias sobre lanzamientos de software, tutoriales y mucho más.
Próximos Eventos
MCAS Miramar AirShow
San Diego, Estados Unidos
The event website states it will provide "static displays, and daytime shows that feature military demonstration teams, civilian aerobatic teams, aerial solo acts, vintage aircraft and warbirds."
Shuttleworth Race Day Air Show
Biggleswade, Reino Unido
The event webpage states: "our Race Day Air Show celebrates the passion Richard Shuttleworth had for racing, both on the ground and in the air...
[and] brings together icons of the aviation and the motor vehicle industry for a dramatic day of full action both on our grass runway and the Bedfordshire skies."
Duxford Flying Finale
Cambridge, Reino Unido
The event webpage states: "In our grand send off for the 2024 Flying Season, Duxford Flying Finale will celebrate the highs of all our flying events from the year".