Get the latest news from the best Military Air Shows
We bring you the latest news on Western military aircraft from key airshows such as Farnborough International Airshow and the Salon du Bourget in Paris. It is at these events that the first public flights of the latest military aircraft can be seen and details of their capabilities, radars, countermeasures and missiles publicised.
For all the developments from China, it is the Zuhai airshow, where the growing superpower shows off its own advanced aircraft such as the stealthy fighter, the Chengdu J-20 Mighty Dragon. The Russians also use their own domestic show, MAKS, to market their military aircraft for export, such as the fifth generation Sukhoi Su-57 or the latest transport plane, the Ilyushin Il-112VE.
Latest reports on military technology & advancements
Whether it is Zuhai, Moscow or Paris, we bring you the latest reports, reviews, news and updates from the best international military shows where the world’s airforces announce their future fighters, bombers, air-to-air refuelling tankers and transport and pilot training platforms and technology programmes. You’ll learn about progress on airforce fleet or missile procurement and potential export deals, with meetings at the shows between high ranking officials, analysed.
Beyond the aircraft themselves, the equipment that makes the news includes new targeting pods, helmets with head-up displays, training simulators or chaff dispensers. What is on display is to be traded and deals done, from simple components and complex aerostructures, to consumable supplies and maintenance, which keeps the defence aviation industry going. Technologies that are revealed at these shows include enhanced flight vision systems, augmented reality for reduced visibility, data link avionics, via-satellite aircraft networking with army and naval platforms, avionics for optionally piloted cockpits, manned, unmanned teaming between piloted aircraft and drones; and many more.
Find out more about Military Aircraft
Interested in more news about military aviation? Check our articles on Airforce News, Military Fighter Aircraft, Military Transport Aircraft and Military Aircraft Technology.
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