Was the TSR.2 a political disaster?
In March 2000, former TSR.2 chief test pilot Roland ‘Bee’ Beamont aired his eye-opening views on the project – and pulled no punches! FlyPast shares some of his opinions and recollections
Historic Aviation Quiz – The TSR-2 edition
With April 6, 2023, marking the 58th anniversary of the announcement that the then Labour Government had cancelled the British Aircraft Corporation TSR-2, we dedicate this week’s Historic Aviation Quiz to a type now said to be a byword for prematurely negated projects…
TSR2: The greatest aircraft the RAF never flew?
Arguably the most controversial aircraft in British history, the TSR2 still has the power to divide opinion. Was it rightly cancelled or a missed opportunity? In the January 2017 issue of Aviation News, Dr Kevin Wright weighed up the arguments.