Feature Premium

Was the TSR.2 a political disaster?

In March 2000, former TSR.2 chief test pilot Roland ‘Bee’ Beamont aired his eye-opening views on the project – and pulled no punches! FlyPast shares some of his opinions and recollections

RAF Museum Midlands to host TSR2 conference

‘The Fall of the RAF’s Eagle’ set for Saturday 13 May

Historic Aviation Quiz – The TSR-2 edition

With April 6, 2023, marking the 58th anniversary of the announcement that the then Labour Government had cancelled the British Aircraft Corporation TSR-2, we dedicate this week’s Historic Aviation Quiz to a type now said to be a byword for prematurely negated projects…

TSR-2 Feature Premium

TSR2: The greatest aircraft the RAF never flew?

Arguably the most controversial aircraft in British history, the TSR2 still has the power to divide opinion. Was it rightly cancelled or a missed opportunity? In the January 2017 issue of Aviation News, Dr Kevin Wright weighed up the arguments.