The Last Film You Watched..... IV

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On ITV4 last night - and I had the opportunity to introduce it to someone for the first time!!! She thought it was "OK"....!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

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Jet Lag
A French comedy/drama Jean Reno as a stressed chef/businessman stuck at the Paris airport during a controllers strike with Juliette Binoche as a beautician trying to get away from a bad relationship. I really enjoyd it.

The Three Stooges
The old comedy team has been recast by the Farley brothers production team. You'd be hard pressed to tell the new actors playing Larry, Moe and Curley from their predessors which made shorts from the 30s to the 50s. The Stooges have to raise money to save the orphanage they were brought up in. It's fun to see the Stooges in modern settings and it's a fun film for the entire family...just when you thought comedies had to be gross and tasteless.
Yes, it's silly...and that's the point.

The Descendants
George Clooney looking glum in Hawaii. Not as good as I was expecting given the awards it won. Directed by the guy that brought us the equally overrated Sideways. The Rotten Tomatoes film review site gives it 4.5 stars...sorry, I see it as 3.5 at most.

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How to Lose Friends and Alienate People

Simon Pegg on fine form as a lowly gossip magazine writer suddenly shot into the big-time by editor Jeff Bridges. Good fun. 7/10

Lars and the Real Girl

Not sure about this one. Good performances from Ryan Gosling, though.

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Troll Hunter

The much-hyped low-budget Norwegian monster flick. I was disappointed somewhat! 2/10

Event Horizon

Sam Neill and Lawrence Fishburne encounter strange goings-on aboard a seemingly lost spacecraft. Pretty decent sci-fi/horror fare. 6.5/10

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G.I.Joe 1 ... nice action movie

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Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2

Great fun. Third one is on the cards tonight, even though it's decidedly the weakest of the three.

Dunno if I'll bother with the reboot coming out later this summer....

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Mission impossible 4 Ghost Protocol

Tom accepts his fourth mission and what a great time was had by all.
Well made action flick which keeps you amused for a couple of hours.

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Marvel Avengers Assemble (2012)

Captain America, Ironman, the Incredible Hulk, Thor and the Black Widow gather to defeat an alien enemy.
One if the best films I've seen. Great story, awesome effects, humour, acting it's all here. Do yourself a favour, go and see this movie.

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God Bless America

On a mission to rid society of its most repellent citizens, terminally ill Frank makes an unlikely accomplice in 16-year-old Roxy.

Now this is going to offend some people,due to it's violence and subject matter. I really enjoyed the film and thought the young female lead played by Tara Lynne Barr played this really well. It's also good to see Joel Murray getting a lead role in a film.

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Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)

Po and his friends take on a new enemy - a peacock this time. Not as good as the first one but still very entertaining and beautifully animated.

Uncle Buck (1989)

John Candy plays the slob of an uncle baby-sitting his nieces and nephew.
A reasonably funny John Hughes movie. Good fun.

Faces in the Crowd (2011)

Milla Jovovich plays a serial killer's victim who survives his attack only to be left with "face-blindness" and unable to recognize people she knows. Reasonably good idea but lacks any sort of characters. Decent enough all the same.

Das Boot (1981)

Story of a German U-boat crew in WW2. An excellent war movie witch acts of heroism in the claustrophobic confines of the submarine. Great stuff.

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Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

More blistering good fun from Messrs. Ritchie, Downey Jr. and Law. 7.5/10

The Black Swan

Natalie Portman becomes convinced that understudy Mila Kunis is trying to take over from her in the lead role of Swan Lake. A bit bizarre, but watchable at least. 5/10.

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Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon (2011)

The Decepticons and Auto-bots are back. Great effects and action sequences but strangely uninvolving. More plots holes than a swiss cheese don't help either.

The Conspirator (2010)

James McAvoy plays Frederick Aiken, a lawyer tasked with defending Mary Surratt, one of the alleged conspirators in the plot to kill Abraham Lincoln. Nicely played courtroom drama. I'm a bit of a fan of courtroom dramas so I enjoyed this one.

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French Film 2008
An English comedy about a un-romatic journalist, (Hugh Bonneville) suffering through the films of a pretentious French romantic film director only to find love as the relationships around him fall apart.

I was really enjoying the film until I realized it was trying to make a Woody Allen film. I don't mind Allen films (some can be terribly pretentious)...and really enjoy some of his earlier stuff... but I'm not sure I like someone imitating him.
Film fans...was that intentional or unintentional?
Were they trying to make a UK Allen-ish film, or was it a clever send-up...which it could have been based on the story of pretentious directors?

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The Wrestler

Mickey Rourke plays a washed out pro wrestler in search of one last big bash. Watchable, although I found Rourke grating at times.

The Expendables

Old-school ass-kickery from Stallone, Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren and others. Roll on the sequel!

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Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl

The original and best of the franchise. Johnny Depp on excellent form, Orlando Bloom capable of being moderately cool, Keira Knightley being not very annoying, Geoffrey Rush chewing the scenery. Brilliance.

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The Bourne Identity 9/10
The Bourne Supremacy 8/10
The Bourne Ultimatum 8/10

Still class movies

Iron Sky
Nazis from the moon.
Nazis fled earth to the moon in 1945 and decide to reclaim the earth in 2018.
Lot's of good ideas, great special effects,bit of an up and down movie. 7/10

Funniest bit is when it is revealed the UK spaceship is called "Spitfire"!!

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The Bourne Identity 9/10
The Bourne Supremacy 8/10
The Bourne Ultimatum 8/10

Still class movies


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The Avengers Not a huge comic book hero fan and haven't seen Thor or Captain I missed some of the back story. Still watching Robert Downey, Jr. is always fun.
Great to see CGI F-35s and some ancient Harriers...and Alpha Jets?

Command Decision 1948
Based on a play about WWII US bomber operations...and like a play, it seems very "talky". Overshadowed by 12 O'Clock High, but still very worthwhile. I liked the part where they were accurately referring to the sad state of America's air service in the 30s...particularly the mention of the FDR-induced "Air Mail Emergency". Yes, they rename the Me-262 and move it to 1943, but it gives a good account of the daylight precision bombing campaign and its exponents. Clark Cable and Walter Pidgeon are great in it.

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Iron Man

Robert Downey Jr's first outing as Tony Stark, multi-billionaire weapons developer who designs a robotic suit to help him right the world's wrongs. Great fun. 8/10

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Alien 10/10
One of my all time faves and a superb film to boot
Aliens tomorrow then Prometheus

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The Bourne Identity

Matt Damon goes bad-ass in his first outing as amnesiac assassin Jason Bourne. Superb. 9/10