The Last Film You Watched..... IV

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Les Chevaliers du Ciel

if anybody remembers "the aeronauts" from the 70's, its an updated film about two two Mirage 2000 pilots who save France from the bad guys.

Think Top Gun in French, with a worse plot, but some amazing Mirage 2000 air to air and not a lot of CGI work.

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I've still to see that...

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Made in Dagenham - about the women machinists strike which lead to Barbara Castles's Equal pay act. Excellent film with Sally Hawkins superb.

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Kick Ass

Still great fun on blu-ray! Roll on the sequel! :)

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Half way through watching "The Impossible".

Drama based on the events surrounding the Boxing Day tsunami of 2004.

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Zero Dark Thirty-- better than I thought it would be.

Same here, not a bad film.

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Ruthless People - Danny de Vito and Bette Midler - 90 minutes of Zucker and Zucker black humour!!:D

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Casino Royale
Quantum of Solace

The Craig Bonds back to back. For my money, Skyfall is maybe the best of the three, but my favourite is still Casino Royale by a country mile! Skyfall comes a close second, however....


Sylvester Stallone plays a Rocky Mountain rescue climber embroiled in a money-smuggling scheme gone ever so slightly awry. Great action movie, very underrated.

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Not a bad movie at all.

It shows how cold bloodly narcissistic government insider higher-ups are.

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The Pawnbroker - Sydney Lumet. Not seen for about 30 years but it still stands up. Steiger always said it was his best performance and I wouldn't quarrel with that.

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Hammer's first, and undoubtedly best, vampire film has been given a thorough restoration for a blu-ray release. Not only that, but the disc contains a restored cut of the film which hasn't been seen since the 1950s!

I've seen this film countless times over the years, and it's still a brilliant piece of film-making. The restoration makes the film look utterly brand-new, and although the additional footage isn't much, it adds a bit more to this classic of the genre.

The disc also contains some good documentaries, so it's well worth buying for Hammer fans and horror film fans in general.

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On 30th March I watched 'War Horse', on 31st March I watched 'Battle of Britain' and on 1st April I watched 'The Dambusters'.

I've just had Norovirus, so I had plenty of time to sit and watch films once the symptoms had worn off, though I would rather have been outside in the sun we had here!

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A Nightmare on Elm Street

The original and best of the franchise. Robert Englund plays serial-killer Freddy Krueger who's stalking the teenagers living along the titular street in their nightmares.

Classic horror film.

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Thunderbirds are GO

Thunderbird Six.

I have the dvds

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The Silence - a German film from 2010. Very good.

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Ghost Rider


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SKYFALL on DVD.Got so fed up with all the Thatcher stuff we turned the V off ,well onto dvd.
Ironically i wasn't over impressed with the film at the cinema [maybe it was too overhyped] but i did enjoy it more the other night.

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The Host

Despite some political and can't we all just get along bs, not a bad movie at all.

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The First of the Few

Well, the first half of it, anyway. An unexpected treat on BBC2 on a Saturday morning!

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Just seen the trailer of Jason Statham in BLITZ, anyone seen it yet, is it worth renting out or buying?.
Lincoln .7