The Last Film You Watched..... IV

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Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

The third outing for Dr. Jones looks great in blu-ray.

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Captain America the first Avenger

I am not really a big superheroes fan and even when my interest aligned more as a kiddie Captain America was probably of least interest.

However I rather enjoyed it. I dig spent large parts taking more interest in the German Reichpunk planes than the plot.

Favourite line: so many people forget that the first country the Nazis invaded was their own.

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A BBC drama - documentary shown in 1984.
WW3 breaks out, Sheffield is Nuked and the collapse of civilisation ensues.
Quite good if not a little dated. Very thought provoking. Some nice shots of RAF Phantoms scrambling.

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The Hobbit

I was worried how on earth Jackson will stretch out a book that has fewer pages than either of the Lord of the Rings books into 3 movies. However, having now seen and been suitably entertained by "The Hobbit - An unexpected journey" I have nothing to worry about.

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The Hobbit

I always liked hobbit best of all of JRRs books. In part i think because it is much tighter and leaner. And was worried about the bloat of going to 3 films.

However with the exception of about 100 battles all following the same format.

Run away
Two make a heroic stand to buy the others time
Two get overwhelmed
The others come charging back in
Baddies defeated

It was good.

Number one son loved it and insisted we stopped at library on the way back to get the book out. He is already half way through. So job done.

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Raiders of the Lost Ark - The Adaptation
For those of you that don't know a more or less shot for shot remake of the original made by a load of kids in the 80's. And iv'e just found it on youtube the picture quality is terrible and the sound is probably worse! But and it's a BIG but it's well worth a watch because you know what's coming next and you keep thinking well they cant do the truck chase (they do!) it's bad but brilliant at the same time! What more can I say other than if you liked the original watch this.

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You got a link for that?

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Sweet! I'll give that a look! Cheers! :)

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I always liked hobbit best of all of JRRs books. In part i think because it is much tighter and leaner. And was worried about the bloat of going to 3 films.

However with the exception of about 100 battles all following the same format......


same here.. must admit I started to drift off in places, although one benefit of my local Kinema is that they have an interval halfway through when a bloke appears through the floor playing the mighty compton organ :D

yes, i was suffering battle fatigue by the end of it all...


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12 years 1 month

Posts: 80

Yep thats the one sorry I couldnt post the link last night my puter promptly packed up after my first post:mad: Its also worth reading the story of them making the film thats the true adventure!

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Recent oldie

I watched an old british movie here in OZ last week ,it was about an aircraft designer who commits a crime and gets away with it!Some office background shots of an airfield and a model on the desk of I think an Avro 707 delta also some flying shots of a Miles Gemini.Maybe some of you have seen it?John Mills was the star(well one of them!)
The Title was "Mr Denny goes north"

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

It's not a bad movie, it's just not a great movie. And, if they're remotely considering making a fifth one, keep George Lucas the hell away from it!

An American Werewolf in London

On blu-ray. Fantastic transfer, with remixed sound. Still the classic monster movie we all know and love!

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the bourne legacy

Its Ok, it crosses over plot lines and timelines with the earlier three movies. It also throws you a curve ball with some drug dependency that the Treadstone agents have that I don't recall from the first 3, its better than it deserves to be, and there is maybe one more film there to squeeze out of the story line.

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Life of Pi

Finally got around to seeing it this afternoon.

Very good. The CGI is unbelievable, although at certain times you can tell what's real and what isn't. Certainly quite emotional at points (one scene with the tiger in particular), but it certainly doesn't feel like a long film.


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Cockneys vs. Zombies

Well, I didn't like it.

The Fly

A quality horror film from "back in the day". I hope to Christ this one isn't remade!!

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I am, The Law.............

For those who know the comic, it's a hit I think. Very violent but stylish and they do well to capture the iconic figure that Dredd has become.

It suffers a bit from the same plotline as "The Raid" (which is an insane Indonesian movie) but well worth 90 mins of my life and all of my nectar points to buy it with !

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Les Miserables

Went this afternoon as flying wasn't an option.

I love the stage show and have seen it three times, so how does the film compare?


It's a good movie and well worth a fiver to see big screen. It has more detail from the book than ever made the stage, but somehow it didn't have quite the same impact.

Overall though stunning.

Despite two really poor bits of casting.

Thénardier the innkeeper is really poorly realised by Sasha Baron Cohen. He should never have been let anywhere near the set with his wildly swinging accent and mugging at camera. Made worse as his wife is brilliantly played by Helen Bonham Carter, which makes his lack of talent all the more painfully exposed.

And the female lead, Cosette is played by Amanda Seyfried, the goggle-eyed bird from Mama-Mia. She can't sing, she can't act and she doesn't even look good or convincing. Once more acted and sung off the screen by Samantha Barks playing Éponine.

That the film overcomes these two handicaps shows, I think, just how good the entire package is.


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Pretty much the same opinion as BSG, although I never read the comics (nor saw the Stallone original - apparently I shouldn't!).

Good fun, though. Karl Urban does bad-assery very well. I hope he gets to whup some in the new Star Trek film...!

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and well worth a fiver to see big screen.

How much ?:eek: My local Vue is nigh on twice that.....:(

Not a huge musical fan myself (Blues Brothers and Paint Your Wagon are my limit !) - I heard a clip on the radio and Russell Crowe sounded (and I quote the presenter) like a bad X Factor contestant doing a Tony Hadley impression?

My own taste I think, struggles with every line of dialogue being "in song", we should run the forum that way with .wav files.......

"I think the Burma Spitfire tale is a myth hit"

"oh no, I think you are so full of it...." :D;)