F-35 News, Multimedia & Discussion thread (2015)

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10 years 9 months

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The BROACH has two charges a primary shaped charge that penetrates and then a secondary one that goes off. However a BLU-116 is a delayed action charge inside with a heavy metal penetrator, stated to be capable of penetrating 12ft of reinforced concrete or >100ft of earth.

Member for

10 years 7 months

Posts: 2,014

And what's the momentum of a shaped charge ?

shape charge like in HEAT warhead ?

Member for

12 years 4 months

Posts: 255

This line of threads is odd.
FAF selected to use scalp to treat an air base ammo and control center 300+ km in land. It did the job. Arguing it could have been processed using different weapons is ludicrous. Military planner are not there to show off but to plan for mission success at lesser risk ,taking into account intelligence, risk assessment and logistic. A GBU 24 would require closing in on an air base ,assumed armed and dangerous at the time. 250 kg AASM were probably considered insufficient to achieve the mission objective or yet required to expose aircraft too far in land and too close to airbases. not to mention the logistic to carry out such raid. All in all the scalp weapon was selected to carry the mission with success. Not sure it would have effectively costed less to select other approach but in time of combat it is not the single factor for planning mission.

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10 years 9 months

Posts: 1,760

Certain people think the Rafale went in before the cruise missiles just because it had better EW systems.:D

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12 years 4 months

Posts: 255

Certain people think the Rafale went in before the cruise missiles just because it had better EW systems.:D

And it did. And yes, it relied on its electronic and EW to perform CAS and raids before all AD threats were eliminated.
I do not think this is the thread for discussing this topic.

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10 years 9 months

Posts: 1,760

So how come it still used cruise missiles then? The point is that the choice of weapons had nothing to do with EW capabilities. Don't blame me for bringing up the Rafale in another thread.

Member for

13 years 4 months

Posts: 248

Yes France used cruise missiles during Harmattan but not much if you look the stat:
-950 GBU
-225 A2SM

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12 years 6 months

Posts: 5,905

Last Training flight for Australian Pilot:

- The recessed stair system
- The amount of lift at T.O and Landing
- The number of planes at departure (enough for some country to call it an elephant walk ;) )
- The relative fragility of the helmet's lens and the amount of precautions taken in handling it.
- The sleek lines of the bird

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15 years 6 months

Posts: 1,003


The low pressure tyres

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14 years 3 months

Posts: 8,850

Wow.. the net cost of the fighters on that field exceeds annual GDP of a small country.. The shape of the bird is kinda weird, though.. Would not describe it as sleek if you ask me..

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15 years 7 months

Posts: 6,983


- The sleek lines of the bird

whats the chemical you are using ?

Member for

10 years 9 months

Posts: 1,760

Yes France used cruise missiles during Harmattan but not much if you look the stat:
-950 GBU
-225 A2SM

The point raised was, why use them at all if Spectra allowed missions to be conducted more cheaply with ordinary LGBs? RAF Tornadoes used over 200 Brimstones.

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16 years 10 months

Posts: 959

Oblig - Sleek is not synonymous with slender...

I too noticed the lift at take-off and landing. It was just about equal to the airplane's weight, plus or minus a bit.

Nifty ladder, a bit like the retractable running-board on an upscale SUV. My S2000 doesn't have a retractable running board. There is a reason for that.

That looked like a hell of a lot of aerobraking on the landing roll.

Member for

16 years 5 months

Posts: 2,248

So how come it still used cruise missiles then? The point is that the choice of weapons had nothing to do with EW capabilities. Don't blame me for bringing up the Rafale in another thread.

So how come the F-35 is supposed to get storm shadow at some point in the far distance future then?

It is sadly very evident that you are neither a troll nor a very well informed individual you are simply a young fool who has yet to learn how little they actually know and comprehend.
If you are lucky one day you will come to understand how little you know and cease to exhibit your ignorance in public, for your own good I hope this occurs sooner rather than later.

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10 years 9 months

Posts: 1,760

You've been given the answer to that. Choosing to ignore it to continue with your own agenda does you no favours.

What answer was that? Mission risk and planning I accept, penetration vs GBU-24, uncertain. Either way EW capabilities played no part because the Libyan ADS wasn't particularly useful to put it mildly.

Member for

16 years 5 months

Posts: 2,248

What answer was that? Mission risk and planning I accept, penetration vs GBU-24, uncertain. Either way EW capabilities played no part because the Libyan ADS wasn't particularly useful to put it mildly.

Really? Please stop exposing your lack of knowledge and desperate need to find anything which you think may support your beliefs. It is painful.

Try looking at the information, analysing it and then coming to a conclusion rather than making your mind up and then seeking data to support your belief.

Member for

10 years 7 months

Posts: 2,014

So how come the F-35 is supposed to get storm shadow at some point in the far distance future then?


Cruise missiles like storm shadow will help F-35 strike from much longer distance than it's combat radius
For example , F-35 have combat radius of about 1200 km, so with weapons like Gbu-12, SDB, SDB II, Spear it can only at ttack targets that located maximum of 1300 km from the airbase or aircraft carrier

By contrast weapon like JASSM-ER, Storm shadow allow it to strike target located 1700 - 2200 km from the airbase

Member for

10 years 9 months

Posts: 1,760

Cruise missiles like storm shadow will help F-35 strike from much longer distance than it's combat radius

For example , F-35 have combat radius of about 1200 km, so with weapons like Gbu-12, SDB, SDB II, Spear it can only at ttack targets that located maximum of 1300 km from the airbase or aircraft carrier

By contrast weapon like JASSM-ER, Storm shadow allow it to strike target located 1700 - 2200 km from the airbase

Another valid reason, agreed. I don't think I'm actually disagreeing with anything you're saying so far.

Member for

16 years 5 months

Posts: 2,248

Cruise missiles like storm shadow will help F-35 strike from much longer distance than it's combat radius
For example , F-35 have combat radius of about 1200 km, so with weapons like Gbu-12, SDB, SDB II, Spear it can only at ttack targets that located maximum of 1300 km from the airbase or aircraft carrier

By contrast weapon like JASSM-ER, Storm shadow allow it to strike target located 1700 - 2200 km from the airbase

Yes thanks we all know what cruise missiles do.
The point was a certain childish poster seems to deem it ok to attack the Rafale and attempt to diminish actual achievements for using a cruise missile when it is appropriate but the beloved F-35 gets a pass?
Nope not letting that crap go.
Ps when was the last time a F-35 did anything operationally useful? Oh wait...