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75 years on: what were the stars of Farnborough 1948?

It’s 75 years to the day since the first Farnborough airshow opened — and with it an exciting era for British aviation. We look back at the highlights of a great aeronautical occasion

Famous Mustang racer flies again

‘Thunderbird’ stars during debut at EAA AirVenture show at Oshkosh

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How to display the Canberra — by Roland Beamont

As soon as it took its public bow, the English Electric Canberra stunned onlookers with its turn of agility. Roland Beamont, later a regular Aeroplane Monthly author, was the man who forged the legend… but not without some opposition

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The great Neil Williams on flying the Spanish He 111

On 11 December 1977, Neil Williams, his wife Lynn and two crew members lost their lives when the CASA 2.111 they were ferrying to the UK crashed north of Madrid. Williams had just submitted what turned out to be his final feature for Aeroplane Monthly — a typically outstanding pilot’s view of the Spanish-built, Merlin-powered Heinkel He 111

STOP PRESS: Vickers Viking on its way to Blackbushe

Classic airliner being moved by road from Austria

Multiple film star SE5a flies again

Historic Slingsby-built replica airborne at Sywell

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TV legend Raymond Baxter's Spitfire reunion

For the famed broadcaster and wartime Spitfire pilot, flying the Supermarine fighter again after nearly 30 years — thanks to Aeroplane — was a truly unexpected pleasure

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Restoration of oldest surviving B-N Islander completed

G-AVCN unveiled at Wight Military and Heritage Museum

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Aeroplane met... Ormond Haydon-Baillie

When Aeroplane Monthly profiled Ormond Haydon-Baillie in 1974, he had not long become Duxford’s first private warbird operator. Now, apart from reprinting that piece, we bring the story of the late ‘OH-B’ full-circle

Where can you see this year’s Vintage Air Tour?

Historic aircraft to gather at several locations around UK