Historic Quiz: Aircraft nicknames

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Question 1 of 10

Historic Quiz - March 1

‘Not so ugly’
‘Flying Edsel’
‘Flying Shithouse’
‘Libyan Crusader’

Question 2 of 10

Historic Quiz - March 1

‘Nuclear Lanc’
‘Big Mamma’
‘Toxic Terror’
‘Flying Cow’

Question 3 of 10

Historic Quiz - March 1

‘Flying Coffin’
‘Flying pig’
‘Sky Maggot’

Question 4 of 10

Historic Quiz - March 1

‘Fifteen ton dog whistle’
‘Big Pig’
Harmonious drag master’
‘The Beast’

Question 5 of 10

Historic Quiz - March 1

‘Lockheed Racer’
‘Screamin’ Demon’
‘The Yankee Meteor’
‘The Braz’

Question 6 of 10

Historic Quiz - March 1

'Flying Longhouse'
'The Mayfly'
'The Whispering Giant'

Question 7 of 10

Historic Quiz - March 1

‘Whistling Death’
‘Garbage Can’
‘Runway Hog’

Question 8 of 10

Historic Quiz - March 1

‘Whistling Shithouse’
‘The Flying Nissan Hut’
‘Pig Boat’

Question 9 of 10

Historic Quiz - March 1

‘Wannabe Lawn Dart’
‘Ground Gripper’
‘Triumph of thrust over aerodynamics’

Question 10 of 10

Historic Quiz - March 1

‘Twin-boom terror’
‘Whistling pisscan’
‘Rookie Jet’

You got correct!

0 > 25%, must try harder

You got correct!

26% > 50%, good work, but room for improvement

You got correct!

 51% > 75%, really getting there... but no cigar! 

You got correct!

76% > 100%, top drawer, home for tea and medals!