Skyscenders 76' takes flight in X-Plane

VSKYLABS has announced a new experimental Sci-Fi project called Skyscenders 76' is now available for X-Plane 12.

The package consists of three fictional aircraft.
The package consists of three fictional aircraft. VSKYLABS

The Skyscenders 76' project consists of three fictional aircraft:

  • A hybrid jet and rocket spacecraft capable of hypersonic suborbital flights and the ability to land on both land and sea.
  • Jet-VTOL capable of ascending beyond the edge of the troposphere.
  • Turbine-VTOL capable of low-level subsonic flights.
The cockpit features automated flight control systems.
The cockpits features automated flight control systems. VSKYLABS

All three aircraft are designed to take advantage of the cutting-edge physics and flight dynamics in X-Plane 12 as well as sporting automated systems, FMOD sounds and VR optimisation.

The package is available on for $30.