Flt Sgt Copping's P-40 From The Egyptian Desert

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20 years 3 months

Posts: 917


Is this a shortened number, as all the info I have seen gives a 5 digit construction number for curtiss a/c.

Extrapolating on Joe Baugher's page (http://www.joebaugher.com/usaf_serials/1941_5.html) ET574 (41-35928) would indeed be CW 1035, and the construction number 19761.
The last identity he actually quotes is 41-35925 (CW 1032, c/n 19758, ET571).

So CW 1035 is actually the curtiss works number ?
and is different from the construction number c/n 19761.
right got it now.

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14 years 10 months

Posts: 282



Was not having a go. As with everything, we all put forward suggestions, ideas and possibilities but as this one has gone mainstream it all went a bit mad. I think if there was no photo showing a tyre/wheel 150m behind the wreck I think the suggestion might not have been there. The loss of the wheel/undercarriage was a big indicator upto the point ET574 was finally confirmed.

As for P40's in general, I think we have all learnt a lot from Buz - know I have.


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16 years 1 month

Posts: 159

Some more photos, as used on the recent YouTube posting by siagtravel, can be found here:- http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150836296506775.410469.91386686774&type=3

I've also asked siagtravel to explain exactly what security is in place around the site as I doubt there is any other than it's remoteness? - I don't think a sign saying 'trespassers will be prosecuted' will work!

Interestingly siagtravel state that they are trying to persuade the Egyptian military to recover the plane asap for display in the El Alemain museum. Hopefully they won't rush into it without involving the British Embassy in Egypt and thereby other relevant interested parties and experts on the ground to properly survey the wreckage and the site and surrounds in the hope of finding Sgt Copping's remains. This needs to be the first priority, with recovery of the aircraft second.

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24 years 7 months

Posts: 10,174

I agree Skeeler. they need to recover the pilot first then the aircraft second..

Member for

16 years 1 month

Posts: 159

It gets worse. Siag travel are now advertising tours to the wreck site on Facebook. Can't blame them for trying to make money but you can't trust tourists just to take pictures! :-

Join Siag Travel in for a journey back in time to visit what historians are calling the "aviation equivalent of Tutankhamun's Tomb".

We will be departing at 8:00am from On The Run (Midan Juhayna) and heading to Bahareya Oasis.

We will stop at Bahareya Oasis to take a break from the road and have some lunch.

After that we will head straight to the crash site to take pictures of the historical monument. Please do not touch or misplace any of the items that belong to the plane. There will be pieces of the plane that will be scattered around so please do not take or leave anything behind. We must all work together to preserve this great monument.

Later on we will have dinner under the magnificent stars and experience the tranquility and beauty of the desert.

The next morning, we will take more pictures of the plane, say our goodbyes and go have some fun :)

We will head to some dunes to get a feel for the adventure and put our cars to the test. After the adventure is over, we will head back to Bahareya Oasis and from there take the final stretch to Cairo.


The price per person for a passenger aboard one of our company cars is 650 L.E and includes:

1. Transportation
2. Meals
3. Authorizations
4. Camping Equipment

The price per person for coming with your own car is 300 L.E and includes:

1. Meals
2. Authorizations

THERE ARE LIMITED SPACES ON THIS TRIP, first come first serve.

For more information contact:

Rami Siag at 01001000907
Karim Siag at 01001751753

Or you can email us at:


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17 years 4 months

Posts: 832

After looking at Siag travels facebook and web page it appears they are a fairly decent tour organisation who would do everything in their power to protect the site as much as possible, it is the general riff raff that follows who will be the problem. By the way, how much is 650 L.E.?, that doesn't come up on my normal currency converter.

Member for

17 years 11 months

Posts: 667

Ozjag, according to my currency converter, 650.00 Egyptian Pounds = 68.5 GBP.


Member for

24 years 7 months

Posts: 10,174

wow what saddens me is the idea of large groups of folks trampling over what could be a war gravesite

Member for

14 years 11 months

Posts: 31

ET574 the missing serial


Could anyone that can make out part of or the whole serial on the aircraft side please assist me with where I might find them as my old eyes have given up the ghost and I jusy can't make them out.



Member for

12 years 3 months

Posts: 52

I think at this point all the magic, poetry and drama of this story is over

Member for

12 years 3 months

Posts: 52

I read that buzz some years ago wrote something on this story:
you can have the text?
many thanks

Member for

14 years 11 months

Posts: 31

I read that buzz some years ago wrote something on this story:
you can have the text?
many thanks


The Document you refer to is actually a database of every P-40 built split into 12 segmants, complete with C/N, serial number, ship number, where the aircraft was delievered, as much squadron service as could be found, pictures, and final fates (as can be found), as well as other remarks.

As you can gather I'm pretty much against giving out copies of the complete file, mainly due to the size, the amount of hard work and in the case of photos/Microfilms the amount of money I have paid out to put this file together. On top of that it is still a work in progress as I am always finding out more information (although information is drying up somewhat these days).

With what has been written on this board, the story as far as I have it has already been covered. Hope you can understand my not wanting to publish the complete file (in fact Terry has a very old copy of the file, about 5 years out of date).

I have no issue in providing information from the file at any time.


Member for

14 years 10 months

Posts: 187

I have been very depressed about the prospects for this unique relic, afer the initial delight at its discovery.

I have no confidence in the ability of any organisation to obtain an early recovery due to political intrigues, financial capacity and logistical difficulty.

I fear high hopes will come to nought and this will ultimately be left to be gradually degraded by predators.

Please someone come back and tell me with confidence that it will be otherwise.

Member for

12 years 3 months

Posts: 52

ok buzz, i think is correct! wonderful job!

we are working so that the wreck is saved and we are in contact with the Egyptians and British.
The election of these days, summer, and next Ramadan does not help the recovery.
everything is still definitely up to end of the year!!
In June we will have a complete and detailed mapping of the wreck with aerial photographs and also try the sgt Copping!

Member for

15 years 5 months

Posts: 255

The election of these days, summer, and next Ramadan does not help the recovery.
everything is still definitely up to end of the year!!
In June we will have a complete and detailed mapping of the wreck with aerial photographs and also try the sgt Copping!

I doubt there will be much left to recover by the end of the year, most of it will be on ebay ....


Member for

13 years 5 months

Posts: 2,841

wow what saddens me is the idea of large groups of folks trampling over what could be a war gravesite

I agree with you Peter but in an area of the world where life is considered cheap
the lure of a fast buck probably outways the thought of a few old bones!

I hope with all my heart that the pilots remains are found and given the respect he deserves and a dignified funeral.

Member for

15 years

Posts: 138

hmmm... the people visiting the piramides... wonder what they are doing...


for Siag I would only advise of him to ask people to keep their hands behind their backs while seeing things, except when taking pictures. A small action can go a long way...

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 9,780

Peter - I dont see that looking at the arcraft is disturbing a war grave. The unfortunate pilot could be anywhere in the area .


To an extent, that could be true. However, what Peter said is also true. His remains could well be very near the P40 though.

Member for

12 years 6 months

Posts: 442

At least the numbers of people on the excursions are strictly limited. Still annoying though, and I fear that they will be over it like vultures.