Tracy Curtis Taylor

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There is an almost unbelievably vitriolic attack against TCT on PPRUNE. It is difficult to accept the tirade of personal accusation and abuse directed at this person by certain users of PPrune. I won't give any further publicity to these people who seem to be motivated by spite, envy and jealousy.

Whatever the rights and wrongs; have a little charity! I am surprised, to the point of disbelief, that PPrune gives these shallow accusers space to propagate their vicious attacks.

Original post

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The good people of the purple place have vitriol down to a fine art.

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Why are people having a go at her ?

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There are stories running around that the 'facts'' as presented aren't quite the facts. Quite why people want to make it their business is beyond me. No accounting for taste !

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In life people appreciate fair play and when they suspect worthy people have been overlooked in favour of well publicised others they get upset. if you run a small business then this is so common it really is not unusual and it is called competition and there are many times when contracts are awarded to the big players despite due diligigence not being seen to be done. Annoying but thats life.

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Basically jealousy.

I have seen people whining that she wasn't solo, just sole manipulator of the controls. And I'm sure she fudged the difference as part of her campaign to fund-raise and gain publicity. So what?

Then I have seen - "anyone who can land a Stearman could have done it."

Oh yes? Then why didn't you? Answer because it's easier to sit at the computer in the gaps between trial lessons and students, than to get off your fat bottom and do anything worthwhile. Prune is an evil and vitriolic place full of envy and Walter Mittydom.


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'Ere, i'm on pprune........ :mad: :cool: :mad: :p

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Prune is an evil and vitriolic place full of envy and Walter Mittydom.

It doesn't seem to be unique in that aspect then ( and, yes, I am on it as well).

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It is unique in the quality of its vitriol. Other forums are robust and that is how they should be but, I've read nothing anywhere, to rival the malice, spite and intention to demean, displayed on PPRUNE.

I'm not myself lacking in any of those characteristics but, some recognition of the bounds of decency would inhibit me from attacking in such a vicious style with the full intention of creating maximum mischief with intent to wound.

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I am on Prune as well and it is no worse than any other forum - I am afraid that I agree that her flight has been somewhat ... err misleading ; )

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I never really see the point of repeat endeavors such as these, except just the obvious excitement, personal challenge and fun of doing so.
But I wouldn't wish her ill. Seemed a nice enough person and no doubt hurting at the loss of the aircraft.

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Does anyone really care now ?
Did anyone really care in the first place ?

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11 years 5 months

Posts: 216

" Does anyone really care now ?"

Looks like a quarter of a million views on the TC-T thread on a site described above as " an evil and vitriolic place full of envy and Walter Mittydom." tends to show that this is not perhaps the case.
I'm sure that a senior judge , multi tens of thousand hours commercial pilots , an ex CAA general aviation head, two pilots conducting and supporting TC-T's "Solo Flights" , Aviation authors ,lawyers etc. etc. will smile at being considered as such for contributing to the PPRune thread......

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I think that some are missing the point. For some closet members of the Pprune Inquisition, it might have felt necessary to condemn TCT in explicit terms. It did not require repeat expressions of extreme spite. It did not require the miasma of hatred that were such a feature of some of the comments. It did not require the viciousness of the repetitive accusations of cheating and lying.

What followed was an abdication and betrayal of the standards of forum behaviour expected from the members who use Pprune. It amounted to nothing short of a depraved witch hunt. All those who participated should be very ashamed.

Most of the above amounted to my contribution to Pprune on this subject, for which I was banned and my condemnation removed.

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Prune is like most places - it has the good the bad and the ugly posting on threads ; )
I would not say it was really that bad on there - sure there are some unlikeable characters on there but there are also some very informed peeps as well,the fun is to work out the informed posters !
Anybody expecting other forum users to be exactly like yourself is always going to be let down - we are all very different characters/personalities :D

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Pprune v TCT ? Not a lot of difference between her accusers and the baying mob before the tumbrils of the French Revolution !


The attacks on TCT were ferocious, sustained and quite un-necessary in their repetitiveness. Having condemned her once there is little point in repeating it ad nauseam. I wasn't a solitary critic, others were equally critical.

We can get a bit savage on GD but, nothing like Pprune.

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You must have the hots for TCT JG :D

I have seen nothing on prune as sad as the schoolboy slanging of 2 or 3 posters on GD John.

If TCT had been honest and upfront about the true plans for her 'solo' flight then the prune thread would not have been necessary,her wearing the FAA Pilots Wings was prob the last straw for a few on prune.

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Agree with most of that apart from the 'hots'. She might object, apart from Mrs. G !

Schoolboy slanging is one thing but, repetitive 'knifing' against TCT is both cruel and un-necessary. Once she or anyone else has been exposed to comdemation and ridicule, anything that follows is excessive and unjustified and rebounds on the head of the accusers.

I hold no brief for this person but, she hasn't murdered anyone. It is alleged that she has simply overstated her case and been allegedly guilty of nothing more than a bad attack of exaggeration.

Time to let 'sleeping dogs lie'.

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It is alleged that she has simply overstated her case and been allegedly guilty of nothing more than a bad attack of exaggeration.

Time to let 'sleeping dogs lie'.

Might be a little more serious than that though John - our own Sheila Scott was prob no Angel but at least she did do genuine solo long distance flights - TCT has just done some long distance flights with a 'passenger' who obviously just sits there and contributes nothing to flying and navigating even though he has an ATPL LOL

But why get so het up about it enough to get banned from Prune John ? I just don't get why grown men get so overexcited on forums that they get banned - one only has to remember the Burma Spitfire thread on Key Histeric a year or so ago - it was occasionally good for a giggle if nothing else.
For Historic I tend to look on here - for other stuff I tend to look on Prune,Prune has a very diverse mix of posters from all around the world and as NEEMA posted - some are highly qualified to post in the various sections !

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I don't doubt the knowledge and professionalism of many Pprune contributors and the ban they extended to me was temporary but, judged by any standard, the cruelty meted out to TCT was deliberate, measured and focused to cause maximum hurt and damage. It was sadistically cruel to the point of disbelief. That has to be the verdict of any normal, civilised human - surely ?

I think that there is possibly more than a bucket load of misogyny in this particular mix.