Air Defence

Germany to send Patriot air defence battery to Ukraine

Following last month’s announcement that the US government would supply a Patriot air defence battery to Ukraine, the White House revealed on January 5 that Germany will also donate one of its own systems to the war-torn country

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How sophisticated is Russia's air defence network?

Fighter operations and ground-based air defences have so far proved to be among Russia’s few victories in its otherwise poorly planned and mismanaged campaign in Ukraine. AirForces Monthly explains

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Romanian MiG-21 fleet gains one-year lease of life as operations resume

After suspending all flight activities with its ageing MiG-21 LanceR B/C fleet on April 15 for safety reasons, the Romanian Air Force has resumed operations with the Cold War-era fighter for a one-year period, after which the type will be withdrawn from service

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ANALYSIS: What is the current status of the Ukrainian Air Force?

As the war between Russia and Ukraine presses on through a second month, Vladimir Trendafilovski examines the status of a Ukrainian Air Force that has defied the odds to defend its skies and dealt hard-hitting blows to its invaders

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Uncovering Russia's diverse fleet of sophisticated tactical air defence systems

We analyse the ground-based air defence platforms employed by the Russian military to protect land forces from air attacks and he highlights differences between the systems used by Russia and the NATO alliance

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Inside Ukraine's extensive but ageing air defence system

As Russian military forces maintain their strong presence along the Ukrainian border and tensions continue to rise, we provide an in-depth overview of Ukraine's extensive air defence system - which was strengthened significantly since Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula in 2014, but still faces a crisis with its ageing fighter fleet

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Inside Bulgaria's growingly obsolescent Air Defence force

We look at the slow and often painful transformation of the Bulgarian Air Force’s air defence assets, while revealing humble plans to field Western-made hardware in the foreseeable future