207 Back in the UK

UK Lightning in focus

The UK’s latest Lockheed Martin F-35B unit returned to RAF Marham on July 16. No 207 Squadron is the Operational Conversion Unit (OCU) and Jamie Hunter was there for the arrival.

Having made the eight-hour transatlantic crossing from MCAS Beaufort, South Carolina, six F-35Bs arrived in the overhead at RAF Marham at dusk on the evening of July 16 in sharp four-ship and pairs formations. This was the third wave of British F-35s to touch down on UK soil in order to begin sovereign operations, with 15 jets now at the Norfolk base out of a total of 18 that have been handed over to date.

After the six aircraft were ensconced in their new shelters in the bespoke new operations area on the southern side of the airfield, the pilots shut down the engines and climbed down to meet awaiting families. Wg Cdr Scott ‘Mox’ Williams, officer commanding No 207 Squadron, led the formation and was still in his flying gear and immersion suit after the long flight when he kindly spoke to AFM. “We took off just after 0600hrs local time this morning at MCAS Beaufort, climbed up to about 26,000ft, met up with the tanker, which came out of [MCAS] Cherry Point. Then we plugged…

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