A selection of the most interesting aircraft to visit air bases in the UK recently.



2/4 9H-BIG A340-313 Air X Charter n/s; 2-MATO Challenger 601-3A. 9/4 144617 CC-144B 412 Sqn, RCAF; Z21121/TS-MTK C-130J-30 Tunisian AF also 13th n/s. 13/4 54+04 A400M LTG62, German AF. 14/4 A41-208 C-17A 36 Sqn, RAAF dep 17th. 15/4 166762/ QB KC-130J VMGR-352, USMC. 22/4 UR-82073 An- 124-100 Antonov Airlines. 23/4 0453 C-295M 242 tsl, Czech AF. 27/4 130608 CC-130J 436 TS, RCAF dep 2/5; 1274/SU-BAE C-130H Egyptian AF.


10/4 FB-24 F-16BM 10 Wing, Belgian Defence – Air Component. 26/4 064/YY Xingu EAT00.319, French AF.


10/4 60+06 P-3C MFG3, German Navy o/s.


6/4 87-0204/MO, 87-0169/MO & 87-0173/MO F-15Es 389th FS, 366th FW, USAF all dep 8th; 91-0323/MO, 91-0333/MO (both dep 8th) & 90-0253/MO F-15Es 391st FS, 366th FW, USAF; 00-0182 C-17A 167th AS, WV ANG. 7/4 87-0170/MO, 87-0198/MO & 89-0506/ MO F-15Es 389th FS, 366th FW, USAF all dep 9th; 90-0234/MO, 90-0243/MO & 90-0250/MO F-15Es 391st FS, 366th FW, USAF all dep 9th; 99-0166 C-17A 62nd/446th AW, USAF dep 10th. 8/4

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