A round-up of notable aircraft visiting UK airports.


3/1 PH-LAB Citation 550 II; 9H-DDJ Learjet 75. 4/1 OE-IXI Challenger 605; D-ISUN CitationJet 525A CJ2. 6/1 SP-ATT Beech 400A. 7/1 D-IGWT CitationJet 525A CJ2+. 9/1 OK-JFA Beech 400A. 10/1 N-975 MH-60R Esk.723, Royal Danish AF; G-CIMU AW139 Bristow Helicopters first noted as such, ex VH-ZHH. 13/1 9H-FAM Phenom 100. 16/1 G-JOTR RJ85 Jota Aviation. 18/1 OY-HHV EC175 DanCopter to NHV for checks; LX-PAK Global Express. 21/1 N797CP Gulfstream G550; ZJ691 Sentinel R1 5(AC) Sqn, RAF o/s. 22/1 TFLLX 757-256 Icelandair, Glasgow diversion. 23/1 140103 CP-140 RCAF o/s. 24/1 D-IBJJ CitationJet 525A CJ2. 26/1 SP-KPZ Saab 340A Sprint Air. 29/1 D-CGAA Citation 560XLS+. 30/1 D-CNOC Citation 560XLS. 31/1 9H-VFB Challenger 350 VistaJet,

Dundee diversion.


1/1 CN-NMK A320-214 Air Arabia Maroc f/v; ECLPG CRJ1000 Air Nostrum; OK-SWF 737 MAX 8 Travel Service. 2/1 OK-TVS 737-86N Travel Service. 3/1 EC-MDS 747-419 Wamos Air up for TUI also 4th; EC-MVC CRJ1000 Air Nostrum; OK-TVJ 737-8Q8 Travel Service; OK-EAS Beech 400A. 7/1 ZZ343 Vo…

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