Beating the Buses: Volaris Interview

Like most countries, Mexico’s aviation industry has been heavily impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Chris Sloan spoke with Holger Blankenstein, executive vice-president of airline commercial and operations at Volaris, to find out how the low-cost carrier has navigated this unprecedented crisis

Chris Sloan: How is Volaris coping with the infections in Mexico?

Holger Blankenstein: Things are going well. We’re adding back a lot of capacity and passenger numbers are above 80% load. People are certainly looking to travel to beach destinations and to see friends and family. We've seen there’s a second wave in the US and we went backwards in some of the big cities here in Mexico.

CS: In the face of this, what is contributing to such a strong recovery that is allowing you to add back so much capacity? HB: In the Americas, we are one of the fastest recovering airlines. We have the benefit of two competitors being very weak and we've very actively promoted safe flying by going into the market with great promotions and focusing on our bus switching campaign.

On the demand and supply side, we are fortunate to be in the right place at the right time.

CS: A lot of airlines have added capacity, but then cancel subs…

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